Please show pics of your 180 tanks

this is one side of my 180


and this is the other, both pics are a little old and the light in the middle of the tank is out

chad508, awsome! I love it, is that a very large yellow leather?


That is beautiful, see----you can show your on here too with out the URL
April540 said:

Thanks jarhed, but how do you get them to apear on the screen? I can do it from my gallery,just cant do it from heYahoo., :smokin:

Did you check out the new reefer in cedliss house? He's sure a keeper!! And by the way where are your pics?????


I thought Yahoo Photos broke the links for pics on purpose? I tried using them to host pictures a couple years ago and got the same thing. I thought that was understood, or am I just insane? :lol:

Yeah, saw the new little reefer! What a cutie pie!!! :strooper:
Jarhed, its just agrivating, I thought I could use it to really post the pics (cause I just love pics) but I have been on this all day editing and reediting to try and get it right. well I cant get it.

But then again, your making me beg you for full front pics, your sooooooo mean sometimes!!! LOL
Dont go away just yet, I am going to show you what I picked up last week! My lettuce coral and the Red Sponge! The lettuce I traded for one of my large Pond Lillies,
April, I'll try to get some full frontal :eek2: :eek2: pics of the TANK for you! :D

Still not much going on. I still havent gotten the rest of the rock and only added a pacific blue tang (one died when I got him home, will be replaced Monday so there will be two) and just added a couple more turbo snails and a beautiful white condilactus today.

I gotta get off my cheap butt and get some more rock and corals. Course, gotta pay that $384.00 electric bill first I guess. :mad2:
Thanks people. Very nice new family pic there cediss looks like some very happy parents. I can remember how I felt.

Heres a shot of the left side witch one?


Heres a critter I found today any ideas? Its about the size of a dime.

Mike it looks like mine, and they IDed it as a rock boring urchin. I gave it away, it attatched itself to my Frog Spawn, I like to never got it off. but you can ask Greenbean on (Our TBS) forum. He's pretty good. It came in on some live rock I bought out of Florida, thats where all of thos nasty little Starfish came from too, Those little buggars has cost me a small fortune, they killed off all 3 of my clams, my Flame Scallop and a yellow leather. I pulled 3 more out today, that 13 so far.
April I looked back at my gallery and before I paid my $24 to be a supporting member it looks like the pics had to be under 50k but now they can be 125k. I am not that smart with computer lingo and am not sure what that all means I just know how to make them small enough on the program I use to post in my gallery.
Mike, I can crop them to fit, but it takes out most of the picture. I think tonight I'll pay the dues and see if that helps, I dont know how to resize them, only how to crop. So I guess that tells you how smart I am. LOL

Here is a little of him. in the rock, with a flashlight on him, there are tiny black feeler things in between the spines, and the spines are thicker than the little black urchins but thinner than those of the pencil Urchins. And he was more brown,in color. But looks like your when I saw him out in the tank.
Mike, I use the zoombrowzer that is on the disk for my camera, or I have Unlead program, I have printshop, and a couple of other programs that pop up sometimes when I download pics.