PolyFilter ®: What sort of improvement do you notice by using it?


Premium Member
Also, what size of Poly Filter do you use, and how often do you change your PolyFilter?

Do they really turn black when they are exhausted, or are they just really dirty/scummy looking?

Does PolyFilter reduce cyanobacteria and the thin microalgae film that builds up on the glass?

they do change colour. IME they change colour based on what exactly they are pulling out of the tank (so it is sort of an indicator). Can't say I can put my finger on an exact improvment I have noticed. But I have used them for years as a replacment to carbon and have been very happy with them. Worth every cent IMO.
Are my polyfilters exhausted? They don't look BLACK to me, but they have been running in 2800gph flow for 1.5 weeks.

Let me know if you think I should throw them away now?




Hi Nathan.

I run polyfilter brand (the same size as you have pictured) on all three of my tanks 24/7 religiously. Lowered nitrates, clarity, and reduced nuisance algea, are some of the benefits I've seen/realized.

From the pictures you've shown, I think you can run them a bit longer. I let mine get a bit dirtier than those you depict. Mine never turn black, only browner. From what I've read, they only turn different colors like black, blue, or green if they are taking out/absorbing medications, copper, etc. Never had personal experience with this though because I've never wanted/needed to medicate my tanks.


p.s. Check out Chemi-Pure carbon-resin bags if you don't use them already. Those, combined with Polyfilters run 24/7 IMO/IME really help water quality and clarity. I swear by those two products, (as well as a refugium and quality protein skimmer(s) of course).
Thanks Gisho!

Out of curiosity; that Chemi-Pure, is it a filter sponge too? I am just thinking of if I were to get it, how would I outfit it for my tank?

I use PhosLock (iron-based phosphate remover) in a PhosReactor. I love the stuff because I can go a week without cleaning the glass (prohibits nuisance microalgae)

Here you go Nathan. The following link will give you far more information on this product than I possibly can. I don't consider it so much of a "sponge" but more as a "filter".


I had constructed trays (the white crate) between the baffles of my custom/homemade sump that holds the bags of Chemi-pure (on the left, by the skimmer compartment) and for the PolyFilters (on the right, by the refugium compartment).

Water from the overflow of the display tee's off and goes to the right and flows over the Polyfilter(s) (and then into the refugium), and to the left in the skimmer compartment and then flows nicely over the bags of Chemi-pure (I run 2 bags on my 100, 3 bags on my 150, and 8 bags on my 270 for reference) and into the center/return compartment to be pumped back up to the display via external pump. I have this same sump design on all three of my tanks. It makes for easy access to the Poly-Filters as well as the bags of Chemi-Pure.


You just want to make sure that you have nice water flow going through the bag. As the product label states, do not ever attempt to open the bag and split-up the contents...I did that once and it was a mess. Also, rinse thoroughly with R/O water before using to get the black "dust" out of the bag.

I really recommend this product in conjuction with the use of the Poly-Filters. Keeps my pH nice and stable as well.

Thanks Gisho,

While I don't doubt that Chemi-Pure may be beneficial, some of that promo material looks very unscientific and written by someone unfamiliar with bio-chemistry ("suicide/unhappy ion"?!!! HUH?! But thanks for the info Gisho... I'm still debating with myself whether to try Chemi-Pure.

Anyone else have experiences with PolyFilter, and specifically if it turns black?
