polyp extension poor during daylight?


New member
i have a 180 sps dominated tank been up for 3yrs now and am baffled why my sps do not ext there polyps during daylight hrs? only when my lights are off do they really blow up?water paremeters are perfect, running 3x 400w 10kxms with 2x6' actinics supplement,good grwth just poor polyp ext.plus corals seem to have lightined considerably after swithhing to 10k xms from 20k xms. ne one have ne ideas ? thnx
I have this same problem with some of my sps. My montipora's will not extend polyps during daylight hours but are bushy with polyps after the lights go out. My other sps colonies have good polyp extension with the lights on. Good growth on all and I haven't noticed any fish picking. Here are some pics.






well i do have 4 tangs and coral beauty. which no way to catch him,havent noticed ne picking ,could be though, but ive watched from when my lights 1st come on ,even my actinics after about 5 minutes polyps retract!! i know in the wild thats normal because they feed at night.i help maintain 4 sps tanks for a friend thats a local fs owner ,and it just frustrates me to see these tanks with beautiful polyp ext ,and i do the same with my tank and blah blah. crap. even my millis have minimum ext ,was wondering if im blinding them with those 3x400w 10k xms? sounds funny but when i had 6500k on that tank my prostrata had like 1inch polyps off of him.same fish same tank?
I had the same problem in my old tank and I had a flame angel NEVER EVER seen him EVER pic at anything BUT and its a BIG BUT i finally got him out and WALAA POLYPS EVERYWHERE its was amazing I argued and argued no not the angel never never never and BOOM it was
thnx guys ,wish i could get all of my fish out ,but that would require removing almost my entire stock,lol maybe in the spring hehe,
I have the same situation (only on acros not montis) but was wondering if anyone has had this situation and came up with a solution other than removing a particular fish?
Does feeding at night when the polyps are out keep them coming out at night?

Here is my fish list on my 150gal is there any here that can cause this?
true perc clown
black and white clown
powder brown tang
dispar anthias
green mandarin
Banggai Cardinalfish
Electric Blue Damsel (Pomacentrus Alleni)
I read that acros can also use their pylops for gaining energy from light, as well as resporation and feeding. Is it possible that they are pulling in because they get enough light without them?

I recently move from a 175 to a 250 bulb over my 30g and I had somthing similar happen with some corals. (I am using a se xm10k). I believe that there is too much light for some corals becuase they were extending very little during the day but at night the extension was astounding.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6575697#post6575697 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by izzypop
I have the same situation (only on acros not montis) but was wondering if anyone has had this situation and came up with a solution other than removing a particular fish?
Does feeding at night when the polyps are out keep them coming out at night?

Here is my fish list on my 150gal is there any here that can cause this?
true perc clown
black and white clown
powder brown tang
dispar anthias
green mandarin
Banggai Cardinalfish
Electric Blue Damsel (Pomacentrus Alleni)

check for redbugs
It may be that one of your fish is nipping at your corals. I just removed my pygmy angel Monday afternoon, and when i got home today from work I see polyps ext. on corals that I haven't seen before.

I never thought he /she was nipping at polyps, (thinking...) ..must be picking at algae/pods. But I do have better PE today then yesterday, maybe just a coincedence, but I'm not sure.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6577662#post6577662 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael7979
It may be that one of your fish is nipping at your corals. I just removed my pygmy angel Monday afternoon, and when i got home today from work I see polyps ext. on corals that I haven't seen before.

I never thought he /she was nipping at polyps, (thinking...) ..must be picking at algae/pods. But I do have better PE today then yesterday, maybe just a coincedence, but I'm not sure.

What type of pygmy angel?
well, could be a fish ,like i said really studied there movements over time and havent noticed ne picking,and ive had the redbugs been through that, pain!!! been bug free now 5months.i know stating to much light sounds a little crazy .seeing how we cant mimick the suns par!! but corals do utlilize there polyps n many ways.wish i had some pics, ive lowered my rockwork and dropped my corals down several inches and redirected my flows. i have been getting some polyp ext but bare min.was just thinking they just dont need them to come out during the day? water par are perfect. as far as ne testing ive done.ive 2x tunze 6100s and 2x blueline 1100 for returns+1"seaswirl. bullet 2 skimmer.reducing the amount of carbon to see if thats a issue.peform 25g a week or bi-weekly when im lazy. using reefcrystals and running a pm calium reactor.