Pooky's 300

Sweet angel Kenny. How big is he? Happy Friday.

It measure right at 2.5" when I first got it and it's grown at least 1/2" in the 2+ months since. It's also lost most of that yellow bar on the head and gotten quite fat :)

Very nice Kenny! My little BL didn't make it, hope you have better luck than me.

Thanks Brian. I hope so too. It's always a good sign that any fish makes it past the month mark. I am actually more worried about how it will be received in the DT since the C. meridithi is like almost 6" now. Although I have not seen it act aggressively towards any other fish, it hasn't come face to face with another angel of the same genus. We shall see.

Sorry to hear about the acro, but the juvi BL is a stunner! :)

Thanks Mark. I guess it wasn't the problem we had talked about but I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it :confused: One is a pain in the butt but I don't want a repeat of the death from 2 years ago.
Kenny, sorry to hear about the Lokani - that loss had to sting as it was a beautiful colony. Glad your BL juvie is doing so well - what a cutie!
Damn Kenny sorry to hear about the 30K. Such a beautiful piece...keeping my fingers crossed that is localized. Congrats on getting the BL past one month, that's a great sign.
Kenny, sorry to hear about the Lokani - that loss had to sting as it was a beautiful colony. Glad your BL juvie is doing so well - what a cutie!

Damn Kenny sorry to hear about the 30K. Such a beautiful piece...keeping my fingers crossed that is localized. Congrats on getting the BL past one month, that's a great sign.

Thanks guys. What is life without some setbacks to keep you on your toes. The Blueline is quite the character. Their personality is one main reason I love angels :)

Dude... I have a 30k for you if needed

Thanks for the offer Sanh. The 20K I got from you is doing well so I think I'll just stay with one lokani for now :thumbsup:

And a happy and safe holidays to all!!!



Happy Friday Kenny, have a happy holiday. Love this time of the year just to see the looks on the kids faces...priceless!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everything is well with you and your families. Wow, wow, wow........It's been so incredibly busy with everything. Finally have time to slow down a bit and take some deep breaths. It's beautiful and warm here in SoCal but I sure do wish for some cooler weather and some rain though. Really need some snow or the ski season will be a toast this year. The snowhound in me is itching to strap on some skis :lol:

Well, still have a load of photos from 2011 so here they come. Happy.........happy.........Joy........joy!





Beautiful Buddy! I am digging the Ventralis! Kicking myself from not taking them off your hands ;) Next round

You could have picked up the pair from LADD for 350 bones :eek2: :rolleye1:

Happy New Year. That is one nice piece. Do you know the name of it?

Thanks Jorge. That's the ATL Simplex but most of us don't think it's a simplex at all but probably a granulosa.

Happy Friday and Happy New Year Kenny.

Thanks Brett!