Pooky's 300

Happy Turkey day Kenny, hope it was a good one.

Thanks Brett. We had a great Thanksgiving. Hope you had a great one too and spent some quality time with the family.

Man Kenny.... your tank is looking great these days. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Brian. Haven't seen you around in a while. Hope things are well in Meechigan :)

how about a new FULL tank shot damnnnnnnn

That's one of my new year's resolutions :crazy1:


Thanks guys. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Happy Friday Kenny...man I miss my Ice Fire.

That's actually an Aussie echinata. The Ice Fire has much thinner branches in my tank. Could be flow related though. This one has developed some intense and deep coloration over time.
That's actually an Aussie echinata. The Ice Fire has much thinner branches in my tank. Could be flow related though. This one has developed some intense and deep coloration over time.

Looks like my ice fire when it was in low light/low flow. I've tried two times with Aussie echinatas and couldn't keep it alive...ended up giving up. In any case very nice piece.
Waiting for the fts Kenny :)

Don't hold your breath :spin2: Probably won't have time until the new year to shoot the tank again.

I want some fish shots too. Sorry bout the tinkers Kenny, it was beautiful

I do have more fish shots to post later on. Yeah, I was totally bummed about the new hybrid that didn't make it. I think it would have made a perfect match for the big fella already in there. What can you but move on and try again later.

Looks like my ice fire when it was in low light/low flow. I've tried two times with Aussie echinatas and couldn't keep it alive...ended up giving up. In any case very nice piece.

Really, I've had more problems with the Ice Fire myself. The one I have now is doing well but it's my third try, at least. The Aussie is my first and only. I just looked at it closely again last night and it's got a really deep and beautiful blue :D

Yep haven't been on the board lately work and 2 young girls keeping me busy. BTW nice echinata, I have tried a few with no luck.

I know what you mean. It makes me nervous to see our little girl grow up. Maybe I'll have to buy a truck with a full and very visible gun rack to take her to school every day as she gets older. I am sure you know what I mean :lol2: If you ever decide to give the Aussie echinata another try, just LMK. At least this one has done well in captivity for almost a year now.
dang kenny...based on your coral pics...your tank is dialed in right now!

I sure hope so. Most are looking really good and growing well. The only casualties have been some of the chalice getting knocked into one another and one get's partially nuked. Also having issues with the 30K lokani fading in color recently so trying to figure that one out. All in all, can't complain too much :)

Happy Friday Kenny.

Happy Friday Kenny

Happy Friday to you too! I love weekends :D
Sigh.........I thought it was bugs when it started fading in color but then a portion just RTNed overnight. It never ends :headwallblue:

This was how it looked barely 2 months ago :(

Sad to say it ain't looking good for the 30K. Over 80% of it is bone white with just a couple of smaller branch clusters left. So far, no other Acros appear to be affected. Hope it's just a localized thing at this point.
It's a sad day as the 30K is completely gone. Just a nice looking white decoration from now on. Nevertheless, Happy Friday to all!!!

Happy........happy..........Joy..........joy! It's been over 2 months so I think it's safe now :lol: And she's already packed on some length and girth.

