Pooky's 300

Some more little guys........


What's up with all the little fish lately? Are you developing a small fish fetish or something :lmao: Nice photos man, what lens are you using again? I see that you reacquired the KLMS and it's doing well. I lost mine in the move...it was about 5" around :(
What's up with all the little fish lately? Are you developing a small fish fetish or something :lmao: Nice photos man, what lens are you using again? I see that you reacquired the KLMS and it's doing well. I lost mine in the move...it was about 5" around :(

Sorry to hear about that dude. Are you back up and running yet? The KLMS has been growing well but has been extremely unlucky lately, getting accidentally stung left and right. It used to be a monster and nuke everything it touched.

Well, some one has to root for the little guys. It might as well be me :D I love the additional movement they provide and they all usually fulfill some role in the tank besides being unique and nice looking.

Happy friday Kenny, always look forward to your pics.

Happy Friday Kenny ... the tank and fish are looking great!

Kenny, you always take the most interesting and amazing pics. Your tank and fish are looking fantastic!

Thanks y'all. It's been a fun ride and the tank is in a good stretch right now. Time has been at a short supply but I'll try to keep shooting as much as I can. It helps that it takes care of two hobbies at the same time :)
Great shot Kenny, the subject is super sharp and with the background bokeh, it just pops. (Like how I throw that photo lingo out like I know what the heck I'm talking about?) I love the colors on that...that...wait what kind of fish is that? A. ranifordi?
LOL........I am a simpleton. Just point and shoot. Don't need need no lingo jingo :lol: Yep, that is the rainfordi goby. I have several scooting around the tank.
Now that's a gorgeous little cutie! Congratulations!

Thanks M & T! I could never figure which one of you is posting so I guess I'll have to include you both :)

After a few failed tries, this one finally survived past the QT process. Today is a nervous day since it's going into the DT along with the blueline and a couple of other new additions. At barely 1.5", it's tiny. Hope no one really bothers it much and let it adjust to it's new environment.
Thanks Ryan. Are Regals still imported from the Red Sea? I haven't seen any in a long time. This is definitely a yellow belly though and I am pretty certain it originated from somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The other new ones are nothing too fancy, just a pair of platinum clowns. I've always had a soft spot for clowns so it's just a matter of time that they made it into the tank.
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:eek1: THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. If I look closely at that branch in the back it think it has some writing on it...I think it says "DanW" but I'm not sure :love1: