Pooky's 300

Very nice Kenny! Seems like you have quite the hookup for fish.

I have friends in low places :lol2: Of course, it helps to be living at a hub where much of the fish comes through.

I love, love, love these pictures! PLUS I'm so thankful you posted your settings!
THANK YOU! Do you ever shoot with a macro lens????

Sandy, thank you so much for the kind remark! Yes, I do shoot with a macro, particularly corals and sometimes fish. The first photo of the regal is shot with the 100mm macro lens.
Happy Friday Kenny (belated) see you at CFM. I'll be there early but I gotta cut out pretty quickly (kid's practice)
Happy Friday finally!!! Photobucket has been giving me problems today. Just taking forever to load :furious:

VHO actinics shot. Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/6.3, shutter 1/60, ISO 3200
Dan, it was good seeing you again, even for a short while. Hope the O tort is doing well for you.

I thought that it was a pretty good show even though I didn't get to stay for long. Thanks for the frag, looks like it is doing well...I just love that piece. I wish the room was a little bit bigger though. Had a hard time finding room to hang out and have a conversation without having to move out of someone's way. Great photo...have a great weekend man...:thumbsup:
Shades of fall is making itself known! Nice:eek1:

I think it's time for a FTS :p

My annual FTS was posted a month or so back. You gonna have to wait a while for the next one :lolspin:

Damn Kenny looks like things ate growing well for you.

Thanks Brian. So far so good.

I thought that it was a pretty good show even though I didn't get to stay for long. Thanks for the frag, looks like it is doing well...I just love that piece. I wish the room was a little bit bigger though. Had a hard time finding room to hang out and have a conversation without having to move out of someone's way. Great photo...have a great weekend man...:thumbsup:

The space was kinda small but I think more people came out than last year. Too bad you had to run so quick.
Happy Friday! Glad the week is finally coming to an end. Not a good week overall :angryfire:

Last of the actinic shots.

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/16, shutter 1/13, ISO 3200

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/6.3, shutter 1/100, ISO 3200
Happy Friday Kenny, hope the weekend makes up for the bad week. I've actually had a few bad weeks recently myself. Concentrate on the weekend, the family and your worries will seem to fade...everything else is just noise.
Happy Friday Kenny, hope the weekend makes up for the bad week. I've actually had a few bad weeks recently myself. Concentrate on the weekend, the family and your worries will seem to fade...everything else is just noise.

Yeah, it was just a blip. Things are back to normal. Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Happy Friday Kenny!

Just stopping by to get my weekly fix. Beautiful pics as always!


Thanks Mike!
Happy Friday to all and wish you all a great holiday weekend. Be safe!

Lens 100mm macro, f/2.8, shutter 1/125, ISO 400

Lens 100mm macro, f/2.8, shutter 1/125, ISO 320
Happy ahh Tuesday...sorry man been offline lately. Maybe it's me but the coloration of those guys give me the creeps.