Pooky's 300

Happy Friday to my fellow reefers!!! Couple of actinic shots for you enjoyment today :D

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/16, shutter 1/20, ISO 3200

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/7.1, shutter 1/125, ISO 2000

Looking good Kenny!
Happy, happy..........Joy, joy...........

Lens 28-55mm, f5.6, shutter 1/80, ISO 640

Lens 100mm/2.8, f/2.8, shutter 1/160, ISO 1000

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/3.5, shutter 1/60, ISO 100

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/4.5, shutter 1/100, ISO 400

Lens 24-70mm 2.8, f/4.5, shutter 1/80, ISO 320
Happy Friday Kenny. Nice to be able to come up and visit last weekend, your tank looks great. (Nice Bicolor Angel :lolspin:)
Happy Friday Kenny. Nice to be able to come up and visit last weekend, your tank looks great. (Nice Bicolor Angel :lolspin:)

It was good chatting with you, if only for a little bit. Hopefully we'll have more time at CFM. I love the bicolor. It's so common but yet so different :crazy1:

Happy Friday Kenny. and Thanks Dan ;)

You just made my Friday again!

Nice Joc!

Very nice Kenny

Thanks guys! I aim to please :D
It's Happy Friday again. Couldn't come soon enough this week. Wow, what a blur this week has been.

VHO actinics only. Lens 24-70mm/2.8, F/16, shutter 1/15, ISO 3200

VHO actinics only, Lens 24-70mm/2.8, F/6.3, shutter 1/80, ISO 3200
Happy Friday! The little girl has fatten up quite a bit since these photos over a month and a half ago. This was when she was first introduced into the display where she had to fight for food and avoid being harassed at the same time. Nothing beats the QT days when she could just eat all day long :D

Lens 100mm/2.8, f/2.8, shutter 1/125, ISO 1000

Lens 24-70mm/2.8, f/3.5, shutter 1/100, ISO 320
I love, love, love these pictures! PLUS I'm so thankful you posted your settings!
THANK YOU! Do you ever shoot with a macro lens????