Pooky's 300

Great new fish Kenny!

Keep us updated on how that Emperor does w/ the corals. Oh, and how did you get your tank temp down?
Great new fish Kenny!

Keep us updated on how that Emperor does w/ the corals. Oh, and how did you get your tank temp down?

Thanks Ryan. I put in a portable AC from Costco during the summer when it got really hot. The AC managed to keep the garage in the mid 70's and fans on the system took it down another few degrees.
I have not been to this thread lately.
Nice fish I have a orange tail emp in my LPS tank and no problems.
Kenny, How are the new fish doing? What did you bring home this weekend :)

Amazingly enough, I didn't get ONE single new thing :eek2: That took a lot of self control, I'll tell ya. Not the right time to add corals anyways so that was kinda necessary.

The emp is doing great. He's still chilling out in the frag tank and swims up front like a puppy dog every time I walk by :lol: Eating everything, including flakes from my fingertips and sucking blackworms out of the turkey basters like a hungry baby. It may go into the 300 soon.
I have not been to this thread lately.
Nice fish I have a orange tail emp in my LPS tank and no problems.

Nice to see you around, Stacie. For me, the trick is to feel them enough that they don't need to think about nipping corals. Of course, that means I have to skim really wet and empty the skimmer cup every other day but it's well worth the trouble.
Amazingly enough, I didn't get ONE single new thing :eek2: That took a lot of self control, I'll tell ya. Not the right time to add corals anyways so that was kinda necessary.

The emp is doing great. He's still chilling out in the frag tank and swims up front like a puppy dog every time I walk by :lol: Eating everything, including flakes from my fingertips and sucking blackworms out of the turkey basters like a hungry baby. It may go into the 300 soon.

Kenny, I wanted to give you some corals to try out, I did have some extras, but you left too quickly and I a little busy. :hmm3:
Nice to see you around, Stacie. For me, the trick is to feel them enough that they don't need to think about nipping corals. Of course, that means I have to skim really wet and empty the skimmer cup every other day but it's well worth the trouble.

You "feel" your fish Kenny, man I knew there was something I wasn't doing! :lol:
I guess it's a good time to update the Acro situation. Everything that can be taken out in one piece has been removed about a month ago. Of the remaining 3 or so pieces, the smallest one had a little bit more die off this past week. The 2 large colonies are still unaffected. I've been doing a lot of water changes in an attempt to flush out whatever may have built up over time.

As for the pieces that are now being housed in a small tank I've set up and by Leo (aquariumclown), they are all doing fine. Several pieces were already showing signs of tissue necrosis but stopped shortly after being removed from the 300. The pieces I am holding haven't had any die off in over a month. Leo has indicated that the colonies he's holding have been doing fine the past few weeks with some initial tissue loss.

All of this leads me to believe that it's most likely some type of contaminant that got into the system and not biological in nature as I had thought, i.e. bacterial or viral. If it was a biological infection, the colonies that had already started the downward spiral probably would not have survived, even in a completely separate system. I did not dip the pieces I removed before put them into my other tank.

My suspicions now is focused on the possibility that the Mag Flake that I have been using on and off may be the culprit. I know there are many brands out there and many people have used them without any issues. Perhaps whatever I got was contaminated with something that over time had built up past the threshold levels that the Acros can take. It will be next to impossible to test for so I am hoping that whatever it was, it will be diluted over time with the continuous water changes. I stopped dosing the Mag Flake approximately 5 weeks ago. So time will tell if that theory holds water.
Enough of the sad stuff. Now onto more positive notes.

I have the need to feel another fish....... :hammer:
