Pooky's 300

I sure hope so, Dan. I'll just keep doing water changes until things fully recover. Maybe that's the only way to do this thing since I can nail all the past problems on anything specific. Running the system with as few additions as possible will help me focus on what needs to be done down the road.
You and me both. I also did a larger than normal WC last weekend as well as draining and cleaning out the sump and I swear (OK hoping) that my corals look better. I've stopped vodka dosing, turned off both the CA and Kalk reactors and will dose ca and alk by hand as needed. If I convince myself that the tank is improving then I'll start to bring the equipment back online one at a time.
Yeah, I think the large water change made a difference too. Too bad I am having issues with my RO/DI right now and can't make water fast enough. Thinking of adding on another 75 GPD membrane to double my water making capability.
Glad to see so progress Kenny. BTW you should be able to get kimwipes from a camera store. The cloth that came with your hanna is fine. I just prefer kimwipes. IF you can't find some LMK, I'm sure I can fine a box or two.
Thanks Mark, Ryan, and Sara! It helps when there's a support group around :)

Glad to see so progress Kenny. BTW you should be able to get kimwipes from a camera store. The cloth that came with your hanna is fine. I just prefer kimwipes. IF you can't find some LMK, I'm sure I can fine a box or two.

Brian, I got my Hanna second hand so it never came with the cloth. I'll check with some local camera stores for the Kimwipes.

Do you have any clues what caused the coral losses?

It is so frustrating to experience loss like this when you think you are doing everything right! :hmm6:


Do you have any clues what caused the coral losses?

It is so frustrating to experience loss like this when you think you are doing everything right! :hmm6:


Nope, still no solid lead but my best guesses are either some type of contamination from the Mag Flake I had been using or the addition of sand a while back. It is so hard to pinpoint anything in a reef aquaria.
What if you turn off all the reactor, dose manually. Massive water change (80 to 90%). Shrink the photo period to 3 to 4 hours. Suck up all the sand, replace it or leave it BB.

Maybe I am dead wrong. But, I was facing the same thing with the old tank. Losing corals, after I transfer all the SPS to the new set up. They are actually showing signs of recovery.

The old live rocks should support enough bacteria that a cycle should be short. As long as the water temperature is not off too much, ick outbreak might not happen. Maybe its time for broken arrow.
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Good to hear about the turnaround, Kenny! Nice to see you finally started to catch a break. :thumbsup:
What if you turn off all the reactor, dose manually. Massive water change (80 to 90%). Shrink the photo period to 3 to 4 hours. Suck up all the sand, replace it or leave it BB.

Maybe I am dead wrong. But, I was facing the same thing with the old tank. Losing corals, after I transfer all the SPS to the new set up. They are actually showing signs of recovery.

The old live rocks should support enough bacteria that a cycle should be short. As long as the water temperature is not off too much, ick outbreak might not happen. Maybe its time for broken arrow.

80 to 90% water changes are hard to do unless I have someone truck in 300 gallons of NSW like when I first filled the tank. I have thought about removing all the sand and as a final measure, take everything out and redo the entire tank, but that's down a road that I dread.
Any updates Kenny? I saw the post of the new fish you got on R2R. Any new pictures? :D


Nothing new, just waiting for things to settle down in regards to the Acros. No new pix yet since it's decided to be coy for the time being. I'll go through probably another 3-4 weeks of QT before heading for the big tank. Once it's in there and settled in, I'll snap some new pix.
I swear I could see the Steve Elias stag and the Green Slimer growing on a daily basis :crazy1:
