Pooky's 300

Good days are coming Kenny Son! You still planning on a trip down?

Yep, just don't know when yet. The munchkins are keeping us busy lately. I got your number so don't worry. I might wait until after the next water change since I still have a bit of sand to take out still.
It's a long road but one step at a time, buddy. :) We'll look back at this later and mark it as the beginning of the turnaround.
Don't think I ever posted photos of the A. fowleri. It came in as a tweener but sure has grown a lot since. Got picked on early by the yellows and shreded up pretty good. But now he's way bigger and no one bothers him anymore :D


Wow sweet fish Kenny. I was looking for one a while back but couldn't find one so I got the duss. Like the fowleri much better though.
Dan, I think they are both beautiful fish with great personalities. There are just so many out there and so little room in our tiny tanks to house them. Maybe when I win the lottery, I'll have a 3000 gallon tank and build a house around it, but I think I would need to start buying lottery tickets first :D
Nice pic Kenny. ANy pics of the bandit?

Thanks Brian. No bandit pix. It's still very skittish and camera shy. Darts in and out of the rocks whenever I am around. I think it could be intimidated by some of the tankmates since it's so small. Maybe I need to get it a buddy so they can watch out for each other :idea: This sucka could be one of the culprits :uzi:

Angler Fight Club III!!! :eek1:

Sadly, that may not happen this year. I lost both anglers towards the end of the year. One swallowed a lineatus and never recovered and the other one perished soon after. If I see some nice ones before the event, I may pick them up. Still want a couple in the prop tank cuz they are just too cool.
Trust me, I was all of that and more. Curiosity had me poking at it's stomach with a chopstick to see if the lineatus was still alive. Would I have gutted the angler if it was :eek2:
Thanks Brian. No bandit pix. It's still very skittish and camera shy. Darts in and out of the rocks whenever I am around. I think it could be intimidated by some of the tankmates since it's so small. Maybe I need to get it a buddy so they can watch out for each other :idea: This sucka could be one of the culprits :uzi:


Blad to hear that the bandits doing well. Very nice Chaetodontoplus meredith.How big is she?
She's only about 3" or so. Other than the bandit, she's the smallest of the angels in the tank but still got the bandit by a tail and then some. She's doing so well that I've thinking adding one or two more to the mix.
She's only about 3" or so. Other than the bandit, she's the smallest of the angels in the tank but still got the bandit by a tail and then some. She's doing so well that I've thinking adding one or two more to the mix.

I've thought about added a few myself. There black looks like black silk, they look about nicer in person ;).