Pooky's 300

First picture is awesome. I cleaned it up for you...

Nice picts Kenny but man whatever Leo did made the picture really pop. How did you do that Leo?
Those are cool looking cardinalfish Kenny! Do they like flake or pellets? I'm asking as I might have to move on to another type of schooling fish when I finish killing off my anthias. I travel too much on the weekends and have to rely on an auto-feeder and my anthias don't count that as food ;) I hate having to rely on others every weekend to feed my picky eaters.
Nice fish list Kenny. Hows the orange spotted rabbitfish doing? Is it eating your BA?

Thanks Brian. I have not seen it pick at the valonia yet but he sure is eating the food I feed the tank with :rolleye1: If it doesn't work out, I'll have to try a different variety. OTOH, the emerald crabs seem to be doing something. At least they are knocking the stuff loose and I get to pick the floating pieces off the Tunzes and overflow :rollface:
Those guys are pretty! We don't seem to get very colorful cardinals here. :(

Thanks M. Bring some back next time you are on the mainland :D Does the state forbid the importation of certain fish? It seems weird that a lot of other fish goes through Hawaii.
Kenny, why did you go and show me those for? I thought I was done by adding 15 anthias this week :hammer:

What's another 20 fish??? :lol2: At least these are small.

Thanks for clearing up that pic. I want to know how you did that also. There is a ton of particles floating in the water that I just can't seem to get rid of.
Those are cool looking cardinalfish Kenny! Do they like flake or pellets? I'm asking as I might have to move on to another type of schooling fish when I finish killing off my anthias. I travel too much on the weekends and have to rely on an auto-feeder and my anthias don't count that as food ;) I hate having to rely on others every weekend to feed my picky eaters.

Hey Sara! They eat EVERYTHING!!! And I mean everything. I saw one tried to take a whole jumbo mysis out of big papa emp's mouth once but quickly dropped it when the emp gave it a dirty look :D They go after flakes and pellets like there is no tomorrow.
Yep, that's still the BRIGHTEST Monti in my tank and my favorite. The EJMTM would be right next to it if I still had it. It had grown into a nice 2.5" across then RTNed on me for no reason :(

Which one is it Kenny? Just let me knwo when you are ready for another one and I'll cut you one.

Sorry to hear about your pbt, I always liked seeing pictures of it :(
Which one is it Kenny? Just let me knwo when you are ready for another one and I'll cut you one.

Sorry to hear about your pbt, I always liked seeing pictures of it :(

That's Richard's Forest Fire Monti.

The PBT has always been my favorite fish, even with all the angel craze piling on. I don't know if I want to add another one at this point. Just too heartbreaking to lose one again.
Leo, what do you process in? I use lightroom and love it :p What kind of anthias did you add?


I use Lightroom2 :thumbsup:

I got....

5 - bartletts (one died in transit, so i got 4)
5 - lyretails
6 - disbars (they were marked wrong, i didn't know they were disbars when I got them)

1 fatality isn't bad for 16 anthias i guess.
A bit of sad news today. The PBT passed after battling some unknown ailment. RIP big guy :(


aww that sux Kenny. I just bought a 3 incher this last weekend for my frag tank. He's doing good so far, super active. Too bad, they had a lot of nice pbt's I woulda got you one to replace.
Thanks Brian. I have not seen it pick at the valonia yet but he sure is eating the food I feed the tank with :rolleye1: If it doesn't work out, I'll have to try a different variety. OTOH, the emerald crabs seem to be doing something. At least they are knocking the stuff loose and I get to pick the floating pieces off the Tunzes and overflow :rollface:

It took a few weeks for my last one to start eatting it. They might just need time to settle in.

Sorry about the PBT :(.
Thanks but it's nothing special...a little spot removal, a little contrast, a little sharpening.

The spot removal is what I am interested in. I am shooting through a clean tank, just the particles in the water column is driving me nuts. I wonder if I could do that in Photoshop Elements? How much is Lightroom? More money to spend :mad:
aww that sux Kenny. I just bought a 3 incher this last weekend for my frag tank. He's doing good so far, super active. Too bad, they had a lot of nice pbt's I woulda got you one to replace.

Thanks for the offer Leo. Glad to hear yours is doing well. I am really hesitant in trying another one. If I do, I may try an achilles instead. I know their track record isn't any better but maybe it's time for a change. Or maybe one of those nice PBT hybrids :)