Pooky's 300

Thats all people just saying what they read on the internet :lol: I know of a very successful tank that has a pair of them that runs at 78-79, There goes the temperature thing, now you just need to work on the cheapskate thing ;)

How long have they kept them for. I don't question that that it can't be done, but temp is the soul reason that I don't have one.
Nice pict great colors but it kinda weirds me out. Looks like a bunch of eyeballs staring at me :eek1:
So the temp roadblock has been removed, now it all comes down to $$$. If you hadn't gotten the new BK, you would've had yourself one nice angel ;)
Yeah, maybe but I'm still concerned. Both from a nipper stand point and from a "will they thrive" stand point. Plus one bout of ich and $$FLUSH$$. I think I'll live vicariously through you guys.
Nice shot Kenny. Your angels don't pick at them? I seen my blueline pick a a few test palys yesterday.... I couldn't be happier :p.

Thanks Brian. That colony is not in the 300 :) Something ate a small colony of blue zoas in there and I don't know who. All the other stuff are untouched so far.