Pooky's 300

Very nice Kenny. How is the new sandbed working out?

Are all of you lights on? It seems dark in the pics?
The new sand is good so far. I mixed 50/50 of what you told me about (the coarser stuff) and Caribsea Special Grade.

As far as the dim FTS, I just can't seem to get it to look right without having everything washed out. All the lights are on and the tank is hella bright in person. But every time I take a FTS, it comes out really dim. I actually had to brighten in while processing the photo. Maybe I need to play around with the camera settings a bit more. Which lense and settings do you use for your FTS?
Looks great Kenny! Are you still have issues with some of your monti's, the cap looks a little beached?
The new sand is good so far. I mixed 50/50 of what you told me about (the coarser stuff) and Caribsea Special Grade.

As far as the dim FTS, I just can't seem to get it to look right without having everything washed out. All the lights are on and the tank is hella bright in person. But every time I take a FTS, it comes out really dim. I actually had to brighten in while processing the photo. Maybe I need to play around with the camera settings a bit more. Which lense and settings do you use for your FTS?

I'm still shooting mine in manual. The last one I shot with the 28-70mm, but before that one, it was only the 18-55mm.
Turn the light on Kenny!!! :hammer:

Looks great Kenny! Are you still have issues with some of your monti's, the cap looks a little beached?

Thanks Brian. The cap got bleached out after I added the T5's so I ended up ripping the whole thing out. I am having a few problems with a couple of other Montis though. Just lost a colony of the Pink Sandollar and much of a 7" colony of a nice undata that I've had for a while. On the other hand, the setosa and the Wildfire is doing great with no issues.
I'm still shooting mine in manual. The last one I shot with the 28-70mm, but before that one, it was only the 18-55mm.

I am using the 18-55mm also since no other lense would be able to do the FTS. I might try to manual route. Do you remember what setting you used?
Looks great man!

When I first glanced at the recent FTS I thought your conspic was some kinda butterfly, something right in front of it's mouth :p
Very nice. What kind of educational discount? Inquiring minds want to know. My wife is a teacher so I might be interested too :)