Pooky's 300

I thought that they took them all out too. Who knows maybe there were some hidden or in the sump perhaps and they made their way to the display :( I've only seen about 3-4 but they're like roaches...for every one you see there are dozens more hiding.

The bristletail should be easy to get out. Both of mine sleep in the upper right front corners by the Tunzes most of the time. I know what you mean about the aiptasia. Luckily, I don't see anymore in the DT but there is a bunch on the rocks in the sump and some in the frag tank, especially in the overflow.
So I keep wondering what a "Pooky" is, and so I had to google it. So which one are you? :bigeyes:




LOL.......to truly understand what pookstreet is, you have to know Cantonese ;) Otherwise, depending on your mood, I could be huggable or snugglelicious :lol2: