Pooky's 300

Nice score Kenney, once you get it going you'll be glad you did. I have an AC3, a PX1000 expansion module, a DC4 and a DC8 oh yeah and their lunar light kit too. I run my whole system with this set up and all I can tell you is automation is a beautiful thing!~ Now I just need to figure out how to send myself email alerts when power goes out or other alarming events....

Ok, reading that just gave me a headache. I think it just put me back another 3 months in hooking this thing up :fun2:
Still trying to keep the nutrient levels down and bring the Mg back up. PO4 levels are hovering around 0.05-0.06 so I am pretty close. Just need to get some Mg supp and raise it from the current ~1200. It's weird that even with all the water changes, I can't seem to bring the Mg up without supp.

Ok, my conundrum continues. I tested both the tank water and freshly made up water today for Mg. It was 1250 ppm for the tank and 1200 for the new water. It was made over 2 days ago so that shouldn't be an issue. Now it seems that every time I do a WC, the Mg level would drop. If it's not one thing, it's another.

Speaking of which, while testing the PO4 today, I got an initial reading of 0.09, which was quite a bit higher than the usual 0.05-0.06 that I've been getting the past few weeks. I had two cuvets stored in RODI so I decided to check again with the second cuvet and it read 0.05. Now that was weird. Test again using the first cuvet and again it read 0.09. Long story short, I bought 4 new cuvets and caps about a month ago. So I got out a third cuvet that I have not used yet and it read 0.05. Is it possible that a simple glass cuvet could be faulty? I swear, sometimes I don't know what to believe anymore :mad2:
Ok, my conundrum continues. I tested both the tank water and freshly made up water today for Mg. It was 1250 ppm for the tank and 1200 for the new water. It was made over 2 days ago so that shouldn't be an issue. Now it seems that every time I do a WC, the Mg level would drop. If it's not one thing, it's another.

Speaking of which, while testing the PO4 today, I got an initial reading of 0.09, which was quite a bit higher than the usual 0.05-0.06 that I've been getting the past few weeks. I had two cuvets stored in RODI so I decided to check again with the second cuvet and it read 0.05. Now that was weird. Test again using the first cuvet and again it read 0.09. Long story short, I bought 4 new cuvets and caps about a month ago. So I got out a third cuvet that I have not used yet and it read 0.05. Is it possible that a simple glass cuvet could be faulty? I swear, sometimes I don't know what to believe anymore :mad2:
I always test my new salt water and supplement as needed. Maybe the first cuvet was common glass and the second one was the LE Starfire cuvet :frog: I'd toss the old cuvet since the other two are consistent. Maybe the first cuvet got scuffed somehow.
Yeah, I am tossing the cuvet that's reading higher for sure. The only thing that concerns me is that it came in as part of the 4 pack so it's as new as the others. Now I just have to figure out my Mg issue.
I always test my new salt water and supplement as needed. Maybe the first cuvet was common glass and the second one was the LE Starfire cuvet :frog: I'd toss the old cuvet since the other two are consistent. Maybe the first cuvet got scuffed somehow.

Yep, from my understanding, one little scratch on the cuvet could alter the readings :sad1:
Yep, from my understanding, one little scratch on the cuvet could alter the readings :sad1:

Yep, it doesn't take much of a scratch to throw off a test. Especially if the scratch is near the point in witch the light passes though ;).
Kenny I am having the same issues as you are Mag too low and PO4 too high.

Mag today @ 1100ppm
PO4 today @ 0.07 last week 0.05 and did a 75 gallon WC yesterday?????:sad2:

trying to transform 350 gallons of water is a pain in the BUTT!!
Kenny I am having the same issues as you are Mag too low and PO4 too high.

Mag today @ 1100ppm
PO4 today @ 0.07 last week 0.05 and did a 75 gallon WC yesterday?????:sad2:

trying to transform 350 gallons of water is a pain in the BUTT!!

Sup Paul. Dang your Mg level is low. Hurry up and do a 300G WC :bigeyes: Yeah, I am done with the weekly 125'ers for now and back to my usual 75-80 every 2-3 weeks. Big downside to having a big tank.
They won't win any beauty contests but I think they are some of the coolest fish around. The patterns on their body changes constantly. And they are probably responsible, at least in part, for taking care of the aiptasia in the tank :)


Kenny, how did this guy work out for you? I added one about two weeks ago and now...PE on some of my pieces has disappeared during the day. I saw him tasting of one of my SPS yesterday. Now I gotta get him out :sad2:
Dan, I haven't notice any problems so far. Both of them have been in the tank I think over 6 months, at least. Sorry to hear about yours. Did you get them for the aiptasia?
Dan, I haven't notice any problems so far. Both of them have been in the tank I think over 6 months, at least. Sorry to hear about yours. Did you get them for the aiptasia?
Yup, noticed a few aptis sprouting here and there...got a great price so I threw one in. If I'm going to sacrafice PE it's sure not going to be for this guy :mad2:
I thought that they took them all out too. Who knows maybe there were some hidden or in the sump perhaps and they made their way to the display :( I've only seen about 3-4 but they're like roaches...for every one you see there are dozens more hiding.