Pooky's 300

Sara, are your lights exactly 24" long? I am trying to figure out how many I can fit across the length of the tank. Even though it's 60", the light rack takes up some room, so it leaves only about 58 1/2" to play with.

The light bar itself is just over 23 1/4", but add in another 1/2" for the brackets and screw heads puts you right about 23 3/4" total.
A bunch of Genicanthus, Emp, Bandit, Conspic and wrasses? That's my wish stocklist too ;) Get those silly tangs out and you can fit in a trio of Lamarcks!

Haha, nor cal represent. His FTS may be hella dark, but his fish list is hecka cool.

You were not kidding about that Xmas Emp hanging out near the right side feeding spot - I don't think I've seen a pic of your tank where he hasn't been within 2 feet of that ride side glass. Have you thought about feeding from different places in your tank?

Thanks and welcome to the thread :) It took a long time to gather the current residents and it's well worth it. Hopefully I can make a few more nice additions in the future. At this point, the only other Genicanthus I would consider adding to the tank would be a pair of G. semifasciatus :)

I have tried feeding at different spots but he just seems to like hanging out at that corner. I can't go too far left since the overflow is on the left side.
The light bar itself is just over 23 1/4", but add in another 1/2" for the brackets and screw heads puts you right about 23 3/4" total.

Well, it sounds like I won't be able to go with 2 36" lights but I think a 36" and a 30" together should have enough coverage, you think?
Now, where did I stash that cash??? I better get it soon b/c it's gonna take me another 3 months before I actually install them :crazy1:
Now, where did I stash that cash??? I better get it soon b/c it's gonna take me another 3 months before I actually install them :crazy1:
Come on man, that's why your known as "Top Shelf Kenny" just go hire someone to do it for you. Harvest a few leaves from that money tree forest you got growing :beachbum:
I have more than enough electrical wires running every which way as it is. I am surprised I haven't electrocuted myself yet :bigeyes:

Now let's see how long it takes me to get off my lazy butt and hook this thing up??? :blown: Yes, I am a complete virgin when it comes to controllers. In all my years of reefing, I've never used one more complicated than a temp controller :o


Very nice Kenny. I love mine and they are not hard to get hooked up. LMK if you have questions, I'll try to help.
Slowly but Shirley :D

Still trying to keep the nutrient levels down and bring the Mg back up. PO4 levels are hovering around 0.05-0.06 so I am pretty close. Just need to get some Mg supp and raise it from the current ~1200. It's weird that even with all the water changes, I can't seem to bring the Mg up without supp.
I am still using a combo of salts. Most recently, it's been 40% TM, 40% D&D, 20% OP. Before that, it was about 60% TM and 40% D&D. A friend who has been using strictly D&D said he has tested his water and it's been consistently in the 1100's. Don't know if his test kits are faulty or not. I guess I should test my made up water too just to check.

I am back to 75-80 gallons every 2 weeks or so.
Sticks look good Kenny, nice new toy too! (GL)

Sooo, I haven't seen any new fish in at least a couple weeks, what's the deal brah!?!
I have more than enough electrical wires running every which way as it is. I am surprised I haven't electrocuted myself yet :bigeyes:

Now let's see how long it takes me to get off my lazy butt and hook this thing up??? :blown: Yes, I am a complete virgin when it comes to controllers. In all my years of reefing, I've never used one more complicated than a temp controller :o


Nice score Kenney, once you get it going you'll be glad you did. I have an AC3, a PX1000 expansion module, a DC4 and a DC8 oh yeah and their lunar light kit too. I run my whole system with this set up and all I can tell you is automation is a beautiful thing!~ Now I just need to figure out how to send myself email alerts when power goes out or other alarming events....