Pooky's 300

Here's another one.........fire in the hole! Check out that crazy rim color :)



Man Kenny, what else are you hiding in the "grow out tank" :D.
I like "grow out" tank for mine :D

I also like how you do not over saturate the photos to make them look better; since this is your own personal showoff thread :lol: I don't know whats worse, the color manipulation or the guy who defends him :love2:
Now that would be funny :lmao:. I have a top secret plan, the problem is I haven't received clearances for it yet :crazy1:.
See Brian, that's your problem right there. It ain't no "secret" if you had to clear it with her. Just do it and don't look back. Cuz she might be holding a cast iron frying pan :lol:
In all honesty the thing that she has budgeted for i agree with. The tank will just have to wait a few months :).
Man, you sound like a beaten down man. I feel ya pain :lol2:

Yep that me... on this months budget; two seater stroller :thumbdown, new car seat :thumbdown, and a family trip :thumbsup:. Oh and no new corals or fish :thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown.
Yep that me... on this months budget; two seater stroller :thumbdown, new car seat :thumbdown, and a family trip :thumbsup:. Oh and no new corals or fish :thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown.

Well, look at it this way, balance in life is a good thing :D