Pooky's 300

Really, I thought they liked the Sunset and the EJMTM also? Perhaps they just didn't nip as hard? Well, I've found the Wildfire to be hardiest Monti I've ever owned so far. I've lost the Sunset/True Undata countless times and twice the EJMTM that I got from you. The Wildfire went this whole time without blinking. So yours should grow back fine. If not, you know where to get a replacement :)
Something new......it's so yummy that it's Goldilicious :)



Really, I thought they liked the Sunset and the EJMTM also? Perhaps they just didn't nip as hard? Well, I've found the Wildfire to be hardiest Monti I've ever owned so far. I've lost the Sunset/True Undata countless times and twice the EJMTM that I got from you. The Wildfire went this whole time without blinking. So yours should grow back fine. If not, you know where to get a replacement :)

They nipped at the sunset, but they would go back again and again on the wildfire. I'm out of room as I have two sunset colonies and a reverse senset colony in my shallow tank just sitting there. I'm just not into things these days as I really should sell them off and a colony of war coral; along with a couple other frags that are laying around.
Thanks Brian. As I had already mentioned, it's grown to a really good size so it could finally be fragged one of these days :D
Maybe you can rebrand it as the Grafted Orenji and sell frags for $350 per "grafted" spot :spin2:
It doesn't seem to stop other people...wait a minute maybe they did hire some slick marketeers. Damn them always trying to get their hands in my wallet, luckily (?) my wife has already beaten them to the punch :lol:
nice chalice- i relle needa find out what eats my chalices when i put food in there mouths, there at a stand still forever if they dont get fed : /