Pooky's 300

Side by side shot of the Vivid and PB. The Vivid went through a bad period or it would have been 4x the size. They are in different spots but the colors are still pretty much the same.


damn they are very nice. love the color.
Side by side shot of the Vivid and PB. The Vivid went through a bad period or it would have been 4x the size. They are in different spots but the colors are still pretty much the same.


Wow Kenny... that some nice looking chalices.
Good stuff Kenny. My vivid is in really low light right now and its got a cool rim to it now. More like the original photo they used on their site.:beer:

Great comparison shot Kenny. My vivid looks more like your PB (solid color) but a lighter shade of pink. Mine doesn't look the the piece of the vivid site, as the eyes are more "squinty" (yeah we already did that joke) and smooth like yours above. What color rim are you getting Mark? Mine's at the bottom of the tank but not shaded.

I've always kept both under quite a bit of light. Maybe I'll partially shade one and see what happens. Maybe it'll lose that Asian slant :lolspin: I am curious too. What color rim are you getting, Mark?
nice sized colonies of those two pieces Kenny and awesome pics to boot!

Thanks Kev. It's amazing how happy and how much faster corals grow when the tank conditions are finally in the optimum zone. I just wished I hadn't gone through that funky period. Still looking at small pieces instead of full grown colonies.

damn they are very nice. love the color.

Thanks Jorge. Are you still tankless or did you get back in?

Wow Kenny... that some nice looking chalices.

Thanks Brian. I was lucky to save a few. Lost a bunch of others that I wished I still had. It was painful to see the OG Pink WM, the Monster Mash, and my huge Key Lime go to waste :(
I've always kept both under quite a bit of light. Maybe I'll partially shade one and see what happens. Maybe it'll lose that Asian slant :lolspin: I am curious too. What color rim are you getting, Mark?

I guess its not so much of a rim that we see on watermelons, but the leading 1/4" edge has a blueish hue to it.
I'm getting back in. I have a 90g for now. But you know how it goes, pretty soon it will be a 180 then bigger it never ends. I missed the reef. i can't wait for my first frag.
I'm getting back in. I have a 90g for now. But you know how it goes, pretty soon it will be a 180 then bigger it never ends. I missed the reef. i can't wait for my first frag.

Welcome back. Yes, we all know how it is. LMK if there are anything you are looking for that I may be able to help you out with.
Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen! I need your votes!!! No, I am not running for office or anything like that :D Actually, my wife needs your votes. She's an 8th Grade English teacher and has entered Del Monte’s “Cash for Classrooms” Contest and need your vote to help her class win. Due to statewide budget cuts, she needs all the help she can get. Winners are determined solely by the number of votes they receive, and 50 teachers will be chosen. The contest will run for five weeks (ending on Nov. 15) and you can vote once a day. Please vote as often as you can, every day if possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

How to Vote:

Visit http://www.fruits.com/teachermonday/vote.asp

Type in “Suzanne Middle School” to find her school.

Find the name: Alice Chen
Thanks Dan!

Just in case anyone was wondering, voting is really easy. You don't need to sign up or provide any information. Once you choose the teacher, you just have to type in a couple of words that appear on the screen :)
I'm guessing they don't want votes from Illinois ... we know how to vote early, often and even when we are dead ;)
Voted :) The one thing I remember about my 8th grade english teacher was how she so hated the word "kinda". Anytime someone would say it, she would say "That word doesn't exist. Can you be kinda pregnant?" :lol:
I'm guessing they don't want votes from Illinois ... we know how to vote early, often and even when we are dead ;)

Well, no need to go that far. Just vote early and often. Hope we don't get to the death part that soon since the contest ends on 11/15 :bounce3:

Voted :) The one thing I remember about my 8th grade english teacher was how she so hated the word "kinda". Anytime someone would say it, she would say "That word doesn't exist. Can you be kinda pregnant?" :lol:

Thanks t! Consider yourself lucky that you don't have to live with an English teacher

Voted. I hope she WINS.

Thanks Jorge. We hope so too :p
Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen! I need your votes!!! No, I am not running for office or anything like that :D Actually, my wife needs your votes. She's an 8th Grade English teacher and has entered Del Monte’s “Cash for Classrooms” Contest and need your vote to help her class win. Due to statewide budget cuts, she needs all the help she can get. Winners are determined solely by the number of votes they receive, and 50 teachers will be chosen. The contest will run for five weeks (ending on Nov. 15) and you can vote once a day. Please vote as often as you can, every day if possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

How to Vote:

Visit http://www.fruits.com/teachermonday/vote.asp

Type in “Suzanne Middle School” to find her school.

Find the name: Alice Chen

Looks like she is in about 5th place or so. Tried to vote again but I guess it hasn't been 24 hours. BTW votes are not restricted by state. Come on, let's show them the power of RC! GO ALICE! :thumbsup: