Post Your Tank Photos

thanks Marc.
I think your angled tank is a great idea and it seems to be thriving. I remember seeing your build thread for it, but can't find it.. can you point me towards it please? and your thread for the 280 as well?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14305204#post14305204 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Toddrtrex
Thanks, I set that "cove" up just for an anemone. That cap is a weed. ;) The "mother" colony in my 58 is taking over the back right corner, but I really like how it is growing.

As for those clowns, they are Solomon Island Perc --- wild caught, I got them from the Diver's Den section of LA.

Your rock is looking primo as well. :D
I need to pick up a green cap frag myself- my oranges are loving life and my tank is in need some contrasting colors. Its hard to dislike the growth rate of monti's... especially when you only have pc's like me!:mad:

Ahhhh well those clowns look like a great pair. Hopefully you can get them laying!
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14305324#post14305324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto

Your rock is looking primo as well. :D
I need to pick up a green cap frag myself- my oranges are loving life and my tank is in need some contrasting colors. Its hard to dislike the growth rate of monti's... especially when you only have pc's like me!:mad:

Ahhhh well those clowns look like a great pair. Hopefully you can get them laying!

Thanks a lot, like that rock the second I got it from the Fed Ex man. :)

I really like the color of the cap, think you should get one. And depending on where it is in the tank the color will be deeper --- have the same piece in another tank -- lower down, almost on the sand bed and it is a deeper green. I can't believe how quickly they grow -- the piece in my 58 started out about 2" diameter, it is now (( if I flattened it out )) at least 15".

It would be nice if they started spawning, but they can take their time, already have 2 other pairs (( Skunks and Clarkiis )) that are spawning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14305324#post14305324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto
thanks Marc.
I think your angled tank is a great idea and it seems to be thriving. I remember seeing your build thread for it, but can't find it.. can you point me towards it please?

...and your thread for the 280 as well?

Angled tank:

280g thread:
it certainly has- and hopefully will continue to do so!

Do you have any recent eye candy for us Brian? thanks for stopping by to say hello!
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i posted this one a few pages earlier in the thread- but I worked on it some more and wanted to post the new version..
Nothing too special, but just some new shots that I took.


Tailspot blenny


You have to look closely at this one (( right hand corner -- can see one of my Clarkiis behind the anemone ))


A bit blurry, but some Clarkii eggs (( really need to get a macro lens ))


Pink skunks spawning


5 different snails in this shot (( the lights were off, and the angle was weird, so not the best shot ))

Reeftanks- cheers! :D

Emoezekielsr5- thank you for the video and photo! You have a beautiful reef there. Your tangs look especially good- care to share what you are feeding? and do you have any aggression issues?

Im enjoying all the swimming room your peninsula-scape lends.

Cool shots Todd- the hiding Clarkii took me a while to find... now it looks obvious, but I like the fact that it wasn't initially..

What kind of an anemone is that?

You did well to get that close up on the eggs! and I like your snail shot.. (I count six total.. is that a baby cerith hitchhiking on the collonista on the glass?) I want to get a janitor photo thread started soon I think.. Seems like the poor ol' gastropods and other CUC members often get left out of reef photography...

Have you raised any of your Clarkii and Skunk offspring?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14438118#post14438118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto

Cool shots Todd- the hiding Clarkii took me a while to find... now it looks obvious, but I like the fact that it wasn't initially..

What kind of an anemone is that?

You did well to get that close up on the eggs! and I like your snail shot.. (I count six total.. is that a baby cerith hitchhiking on the collonista on the glass?) I want to get a janitor photo thread started soon I think.. Seems like the poor ol' gastropods and other CUC members often get left out of reef photography...

Have you raised any of your Clarkii and Skunk offspring?


Yea, I didn't even see the clarkii there until I was editing the picture.

It is one of my four (( god help me )) Haddonis

Not sure what the tiniest snail is, but I know it isn't a cerith (( don't have any )).

I haven't raised any of my fry -- yet. Maybe during the summer -- if my back gets better.

Speaking of clean up crew.....

Some pods when I got lazy about cleaning the glass on my 75,


A bunch out at night in my 33 cube


And a nass

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14438268#post14438268 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Toddrtrex

Yea, I didn't even see the clarkii there until I was editing the picture.

It is one of my four (( god help me )) Haddonis

Not sure what the tiniest snail is, but I know it isn't a cerith (( don't have any )).

I haven't raised any of my fry -- yet. Maybe during the summer -- if my back gets better.

Speaking of clean up crew.....

Some pods when I got lazy about cleaning the glass on my 75,

Sorry for the repetitive qw- that haddoni looked way different under your other lighting- DOH!:o i should have known..

:) Niceeee. there we go, those are the types of shots im talking about-- you've got some sweet pod action going!

I hope you have a speedy recovery. (not for the clowns sake of course)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14438412#post14438412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto
Sorry for the repetitive qw- that haddoni looked way different under your other lighting- DOH!:o i should have known..

:) Niceeee. there we go, those are the types of shots im talking about-- you've got some sweet pod action going!

I hope you have a speedy recovery. (not for the clowns sake of course)

See, now you have given me a reason to post pictures of all 4 of them ;)

I was shocked at the sandbed pods, I transferred that tank over from my 29, and (( as you can see )) didn't lose anything. Some are even out during the day.

Thanks, hopefully this will be the last back surgery (( 3rd time )), going to have it in about 10 days.

And now the Haddonis.

My oldest ( 9+ years with me ), same as above,


Striped green one -- got from a local reefer a week ago


Blue one --- have had it for about 3 years now.


And my solid green one --- about a year now

the blue and green look like velvet..
And the colors on your new guy.:eek2: . was this was the one you prepared the cove for in the 29?- I know you posted a pic of a different anemone in it earlier.. just curious.. Can't wait to see how it matures.. do you know if that is a rare coloration?

yeh.. you don't have a Haddoni addiction... not at all... :rolleyes:

im jealous.

oh and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for the surgery!

Here is a random shot from a friend's tank- not a sharp image, but I thought these little guys needed some attention.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14438606#post14438606 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto
the blue and green look like velvet..
And the colors on your new guy.:eek2: . was this was the one you prepared the cove for in the 29?- I know you posted a pic of a different anemone in it earlier.. just curious.. Can't wait to see how it matures.. do you know if that is a rare coloration?

yeh.. you don't have a Haddoni addiction... not at all... :rolleyes:

im jealous.

LOL LOL I know, I am bad about Haddonis.

I did prepare the cove (( in my 33 actually, transferred from the 29 - sold it )). But.... I found an LTA for that tank -- which the clowns took to within a week. The new one is in my 75, still haven't decided if I am going to move it to the cube or not --- going to wait a bit. Both ( the new LTA and Haddoni ) are settled right now, and since I am going to be laid up I am going to leave them where they are for now.

As for how common they are, I have seen a lot of them offered lately, and I even got one about 3 weeks ago, but it didn't make it. They don't seem to ship very well.
well klepto i would get some pics for you but i dont have an recent photos but when i get some time to play with my camera ill be sure to get some to your thread.
My Reef

My Reef

I took this photo after about only an hour after daylights turned on everything wasn't all open, but good idea of my tank. Not as spectacular as somes tanks on here but in the building process.

I was on a budget only had purchased maybe 25lbs of live rock and seeded the rest and i add a rock here and there to keep seeding. Going from a 24 nano to trying to fill 100 gal with what i had in the nano is some major cash so im going the cheap way. Its coming along. been setup a solid year now.

Tank houses my pair of maroon clowns, pair of damsels,a goby,a coral beauty, they all get along peacfully. few diff mushrooms,zoo's,sps,1 pesky Aiptasia that won't go away. couple feather dusters, Hermit crabs,and 3 urchins and a sea cucumber and one lonely tiny star fish i found last week who knows what he hitched in on.


Not sure what star he is but he's cool.
your 100 gal and your son's nano look very well kept! you should be proud! I especially like the diversity of the livestock you have. I think its great you have been including your son in the hobby and giving him something to call his own! I hope to do the same one day. How long have you had that clam? it looks gigantic! :eek: Thanks for sharing.

Pboost- thank you for your contribution! Your tank looks great, those calcareous algae are really getting kicking for you. I like the softy collection you have going too. What are you using to maintain alkalinity and ph?

someone please correct me if im mistaken, but that appears to be an asterina starfish. They can reproduce fast and can reach undesirable numbers just to let you know- I pulled the few I had out because I believe they were munching on a coral- some maintain they only graze on coralline.. Id rather play it safe seeing as they can get out of hand fast.

Im working on learning to be content with what Im capable of keeping in my reef at the moment- while it is a ways off from what I hope to achieve- I feel privileged to have it none the less. I find it hard not to compare to all of the spectacular tanks here on R.C.- but I feel its important to remember that it isn't a competition, we are all in this together and if the dynamics of the hobby are functioning properly, we all learn and grow together! I find that inspiring.
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