Post Your Tank Photos



Klepto, I do very little to maintain it i think i might be blessed or something. My water chems are always stable ph sits 8.0-8.2 and Everything has seemed fine so kinda like the ol saying if it isn't broke don't fix it . so i have left it alone I only use two chems reef complete, and some zooplankton feed.

Don't laugh at my filtration but I have two ac110 hob filters stuffed with as much live rock as i could fit in there even broke pieces up with a hammer when i set it up. They have turned into sponge heaven (hundreds ) and all kinds of pods in there and stuff i don't even know stringy things that stick out of rocks .

I am dedicated to my water changes, and I watch my feedings. Thats what works in my tank and only addition im going to do for filtration in the future would be a big skimmer. I couldn't be happier with my tank. I just need to get some convidence in getting a little more things i have been scared to keep. (I don't want to flush anything down the toilet im baby stepping in).
I saw all the awsome pics and i just had 2 jump in....
Thank you for your compliments Klepto, I think the clam has been with me appx 3 years and it's time to start looking for a bigger home for it .
Great shots everyone

Emoezekielsr5- Wow love the tank. Love the tang selection! What a nice tank!

Rbarker- Also a great tank. once again love the tang selection!Great Photot quality
Thanks for posting your pics! What type of coral is your fish hosting in the second shot?

SaltWtrSig- is it a crocea or derasa?

Yankees2519- thank you for sharing your tank. Is your second last shot of a gorgonian? I really like this shot. are you keeping that in your cube?

Thanks for sharing. This shot blows my mind-- angel heaven!

:eek: Your tank looks amazing! How mature is it now? All of your fishes are looking very healthy. Are you making your own food? can you share your recipe/feeding practices?

Keep posting everyone. Im liking how each tank has an original look and design. I think that reef aquariums can reflect the uniqueness of the reefkeeper him or herself. (that might make sense to some of you- for those that it doesn't- keep moving) :D
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Wonderful tanks. I can't wait until mine is up again so I can share with the group. Makes me sad to just watch...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14460908#post14460908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto
Your tank looks amazing! How mature is it now? All of your fishes are looking very healthy. Are you making your own food? can you share your recipe/feeding practices?
Thanks!!! The tank itself is around 9 years old, but the coral and a few of the fish are from an older tank I tore down. A lot of the corals I still have are well over 12 years old. As far as the food goes, I feed a frozen concoction that is a take off of Eric B's original recipe. I supplement with tons of dried sea weed from my local Asian market...
thats awesome.. almost a decade old!
How often are you feeding? I will ask you what I asked Marc-- what would you say is the biggest factor in your tank's success?
thanks SWSig.. i knew I would overlook the correct species...

Thanks for posing Zef- your tank looks great. Got any more shots of your Shoal?

These little things are growing well..