Posting photos


New member
Since Photobucket isn't available anymore w/out paying huge money, does anyone else have an alternative or any ideas on how to post pics on here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I use the Tapatalk app and just upload directly from my phone now.

Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
probably not what your looking for - but I host all my own photos from my home with a normal Spectrum internet connection (100 down 5 up).

Windows Home Server (WHS) 2011 / Microsoft have a neat little tool built into WHS that allows domain name registration for free (with a hotmail / windows account).

That - along with Internet Information Services (IIS) (also comes with Windows Home Server) allows me to set up a folder on a normal desktop type computer with all my photos and host them with a domain name.

The domain IP Address is dynamic as well - WHS will examine my WAN IP address and update the domain name periodically and automatically.

It does take some knowledge to set this all up - but there are plenty of resources on the net to help with this.

I take Pics with my cell phone - mail them to myself - download them to my public_pictures folder and re-size them to 1024x768. That results in ~ 300kb pictures - which my computer has no problem in delivering up to the net.