powder brown and naso

should be ok in that size tank. But you never really know. Do you have one already or not? If not it might be better adding them both at one time. So they both feel outta place. Dont want the first in to fight with the newbe.
Keep in mind that powder browns are more aggressive. Naso's are supposed to be one of the most docile of the tangs.
I have the naso and have a powder brown on hold. usually my naso will be a tad aggressive when someone new is added but usually after a day he settles down. i was thinking of catching my naso and then adding them together
my naso is much bigger. There coloring is similar albeit their body shape is not. The powder brown is not as elongated. This was my major concern. My 180 provides ample swim room and hinding space. thanks everyone
I have a Blue Hippo, Yellow and a Kole Tang in my 112. Other than what I would consider "playing", they seem to get along fine. Considering the size tank you have, I'd assume they should do fine. Is your LFS guy pretty honest? If he is, I'm sure he wouldn't sell them both to you if they wouldn't get along.
lfs is very good. I have been using them for about 3 years. I spend most of my retirement there so they are pretty honest and fair. Lots of other choices in the city.
I have the naso already. I am going to see what happens with the powder brown. I am hoping it works out. I am sure for a few days it may be a bit tenuous. thanks a bunch for the input
good luck on your PB- they are beautiful fish- I have 2 yellow, 1 purple, and 1 naso. All but the naso was put in together and they've always done fine together. When I added the naso, I also added a couple of other fish at the same time. The harrassed him for a big that night, but they were all settled down in a day or so. I think putting tangs in together is the trick, if any.