Power Brown Tang nipping at Clams!!!!!


Force of Nature
Premium Member
Hey All,
I was wondering if anyone has had a power brown tang nip at the mantle of a clam. First I thought that it was just picking at the shell of the clam ,but from further observation it is actually picking at the mantle. It started with my Saq.. and now it has moved on to my Croceas and Maxima. It has cause my Saq.. to with drawn into its shell. Has anyone every seen this before?? Does anyone have any suggestion on how to remove a Tang???

Thanks in advance,
i have a powder blue that has occasionally nipped at one of my clams. i also thought it was just picking at the shell but it was in fact getting a little piece of clam as well. i started making sure there was food available more often and he hasnt nipped at any of my clams since. if i am ever lucky enough to catch him though i will get him out and put him in another tank. i love the fish but nothin better hurt my clams!!:p
I feel the same way.. I love my clams..

I keep him well fed ,but he continues to pick at my clams. So he is going back to the LFS tomorrow. It is going to be long night.

Thanks.. a.p.17 for the info..
My hepatus has decided a specific crocea is tasty...won't touch the other 8, but some how.......He is off to another tank in the system.
my hepatus has never even been interested in my clams just the powder blue. i dont know why one tang really enjoys making me mad but it is almost as if te powder blue likes pushing my buttons. if my wife did not like the tangs so much i would move them to a different tank. well really if i had it my way the whole tank would be nothing but clams. big clams small clams any clams!!
Huh?? I wonder how many other species of Tang might develop a taste for clams.

I finally got the power brown out of my 90g..
My powder brown recently dislodged a living common clam
that came on my live rock and when I found him was snacking
on the insides and sharing with with his buddies. I thought they leaned to the vegan side. He eats enough nori for two fish - plus clams?
I fed mine nori twice a day and that wasn't enough for him.

It took me 2 hours and lot of patience, but I got the little guy. He almost killed 2 Saq..
:( well right after my last post i could not find my powder blue. come to find out he was dead way under the rock. i am kinda sad even though he did pick at my clams. i was so sad i had to get another clam.
I know have you feel.. a.p.17

I took my power brown tang back today and traded him for a clam and some cash..

:D :D
Moved the crocea because I could not catch the hepatus. Now he is picking at a maxima :mad: Looking at a weekend project.

To top it all off, I dropped the 5" crocea on top of a 7" squamosa on the way out of the tank. Pinched the mantle nicely and there will definitely be a scar :(

Bad day.