Prazi-Pro in a reef tank

Sorry I havent responded back guys and thanks. I have been having personal issues.... i dosed the tank last night
I used Matts (MrX) recommendation for the first time today (soaking, and feeding mysis). 9 more days to go.

My fish look healthy, all are doing fine but i guess you never know. Well see what happens.
Turned my skimmer back on last night after running carbon and doing a water change. is shown NO indication of slowing down anytime soon. Eek!
Skimmer STILL going beserk! !! And the top of the water surface is COVERED in bubbles. ..making up more water to do another water change. ..
can you adjust the air inlet on the skimmer?...turn airflow way down so skimmer doesn't overflow, and still continue to skim
No its an aquamaxx hob. ..doesn't have a way to control airflow

The skimmer has to have an airline. You can go to a local fish store or all fish and get a 1/4" airline valve and put it on the skimmers airline, it will let you adjust the air and dial down the bubbles. Less air, less bubbles.
I tried that. ..the airline valve it smaller than the tubing on the skimmer so it just falls out
Success! Did another 5 gallon water change. ..skimmer not overflowing. ..not even reaching the cup level yet at all! Im keeping the cup at its highest overnight, we'll see in the morning how its progressing. ..guess I just didn't do a big enough water change yesterday ????? Lots of micro bubbles still though. .maybe from it being off for a week? ??
Just let it run will take time to process out all the praziquantel .....just let it run it will come back in line after it runs enough.....I have 700 gal and running a bubble king supermarine 300 imagine how much it overflows lol
Ive been soaking mysis and feeding daily as MrX suggested now for 3 days. No issues with any livestock OR skimmer.
Are you leaving the skimmer running? I thought the product said to turn it off for the treatment period. Maybe not, since you are just feeding with it.
What's this? Black ich? I treated the tank with prazipro and I am feeding them shrimp and seaweed dipped in prazi. He keeps eating.
