Prisitine plumbing thread!



Not pristine, but I'm pretty happy everything works in our first serious PVC plumbing effort...

Raw materials:

Overflow & Returns:

The closed loop "harness" of 1" gray flexible PVC:

The above harness attaches to the five closed loop returns drilled in the tank's PVC bottom, like so:

More of the return and overflow system -

Nice work. Thats the kind of jobs I love to get!! Nothing better than FRP strut, clamps, and grating, but get your (their:D ) wallet out!!
Here you go. Almost complete. Every system gets its own color code and valve number series. (Filter is black and 100's, Chiller is blue and 200's, Red is U/V sterilizer, Tan is drain and 300's, Closed loop is Gray and 400's). This is being setup for my new 340g and needs to be very user friendly as I'll be deploying soon and need my wife and kids to be able to operate/understand it. Will be working on the operating instructions soon. (To dump water, turn off switch P1, open Tan Valve 301 and 302, close tan valve 303, verify water is exiting the pipe outside, etc)
what was the plan for the 5 small valves.

Just to confirm that they are being fed by the return line correct?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15279418#post15279418 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drummereef
I've cleaned up some things since these pics but I like the way mine has turned out so far. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15307758#post15307758 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by uncleof6
where have I seen this before?


Hmm... I wonder?

Hey Jim, did you notice I changed the drain plumbing back to original design (each drain separate) and changed the manifold design for a more compact layout. And I upgraded the Dart to a Baracuda for more flow. Nice to see you on here again, I hope to get a new camera soon to update my build. I hope to see you there.

very cool! reminds me of my days in the navy rigging the ship for dive(was on a submarine) and doing other lineups for stuff!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15321370#post15321370 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mikerunkle
Here you go. Almost complete. Every system gets its own color code and valve number series. (Filter is black and 100's, Chiller is blue and 200's, Red is U/V sterilizer, Tan is drain and 300's, Closed loop is Gray and 400's). This is being setup for my new 340g and needs to be very user friendly as I'll be deploying soon and need my wife and kids to be able to operate/understand it. Will be working on the operating instructions soon. (To dump water, turn off switch P1, open Tan Valve 301 and 302, close tan valve 303, verify water is exiting the pipe outside, etc)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15321449#post15321449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sweet ride
what was the plan for the 5 small valves.

Just to confirm that they are being fed by the return line correct?

Yeah, they are feed from the return line. It tees off to the manifold and exits via the recirc seen on the left side of the pic. 5 valves is probably overkill but wanted enough headroom for reactors and such. Planning on a GAC, GFO, and possibly a calcium reactor on the system. That will leave a couple for expansion if the need arrises. ;)
Wow, there's been some very impressive plumbing shown in this thread so far! Those will be difficult to top. I'll throw in my latest effort anyway...

Nice work gentleman!
Here is a teaser of the project I'm working on now:)


Filter room
Mine will never be pristine because I use the purple primer and the blue glue but here is one that is a walk around island aquarium that has an algae filter and frag tank in the stand along with the usual stuff as well as the chiller mounted on the canopy ( there is a matching surround that encloses the chiller and provides a 6" ledge around the top of the canopy but it is off in these pictures.)




Mine all has to stay in the stand as well. I went with SCWDs and closed loops so it sits alittle back from the tank. I've also got 2 Iwakis that feed one SCWD and come from one intake.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15366239#post15366239 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ChknWing
Mine all has to stay in the stand as well. I went with SCWDs and closed loops so it sits alittle back from the tank. I've also got 2 Iwakis that feed one SCWD and come from one intake.

LMAO the pic of the kid is award wining :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15366239#post15366239 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ChknWing
Mine all has to stay in the stand as well. I went with SCWDs and closed loops so it sits alittle back from the tank. I've also got 2 Iwakis that feed one SCWD and come from one intake.

I love the pic of your little man too, mine would be doing the same im sure. One in his mouth, one in his pants.

I love all the pics you have! Question about this one. How do the bottom two Iwakis work plumbed like that? It looks like the drain splits to feed two pumps and then the outflows converge back into a 3/4 SCWD. Curious how that works.
Well they are Iwaki 30RLZTs which have a low flow rating, but they are pressure rated. I think the max head is like 30 ft. I put penductors on the outlets and they work great. I turned off one of the pumps to see if I could tell a difference if it didn't have to fight the backpressure caused by the other pump, and you could tell that the flow from one pump was definitely lower rather than having them both running. I think I should have actually made two inlets though.
Thanks Kent:) Once his house is finished, I'll finish the rest of the install.