problem please help me!

paja 55gl

New member
hi 120 gl tank and couple sps corals for couple years, but last couple days mine sps corals stard bleach out more and more but everything else is ok.

light 2*175 mh

ALK: normal

what hapen?
please help
what is the KH in the tank. the thing is that when you say that it is normal the is not a number so i can not tell you if it is ok or not ??? I am not saying if that is the problem or not.
Best get the Salifert test if at all possible: numbers are life in a reef. Salifert is not as subjective as many tests.

Alk should be between 8.3 and 9.3 or thereabouts. Some run it a bit higher. Your calcium is a wee bit higher than I've ever run: I'm usually 420 max.

Heat during a lit period is a prime cause of bleaching: a thermometer going bad can be a killer. Lights starting to go can do it. How old are they?

Any new additions to the tank like a leather coral? They're onery.
Once these guys start to bleach out on one of the branches should you break off the affected branch? I have a green slimmer that is bleaching on one of the branches, should I snap off that branch before it would spread to the main stalk?

sorry paja if I hijacked your post but you might need to do this too.