Products good to have on hand


Staff member
RC Mod
1. Polyfilter. A resined pad that can be cut with scissors, that turns color based on what contaminant it's absorbing. Think something bad got into your tank? A snip of this may resolve IF and WHAT. It's both a test and an actual remover, primarily of metals, but also other things. It can solve a general snit-fit by soft coral, as it also absorbs organics.

2. eggcrate lighting grid---can be cut into any shape as a barrier, or as a light-admitting lid. I also put it under my rockwork before adding sand, so that 'point load' of a sharp rock won't rest directly on my bottom glass. Prevents rocks turning and dumping a landslide against your front glass while building, too.

3. carbon. The answer to many kinds of pollution. When anything goes wrong with your tank, 'run carbon' is one of the first suggestions, especially when you have no clue. It absorbs medicines and organics.

4. plastic needlepoint canvas (from hobby stores: you may have to ask) a mesh that can be cut with scissors and stitched with fishing line to make boxes, screens, or otherwise keep fish out of intakes.

5. nitrile gloves: because not everything is safe to pick up. And, very important, the more times you get stung the more sensitive you may get to it. It can be a hobby-ending problem. Wear these.

6. Prime. Also Amquel. It's a chlorine removing water conditioner that can also make a just -bleached piece of equipment ready to go safely in, and it can also get that chlorine reek off your hands. You can also use it to create safe saltwater out of tap water. In a qt or hospital tank, tap water is ok after conditioning.

7. salt. At least enough for a really big water change. Murphy's law says that disaster will strike on some holiday when you can't get any.

8. old towels: many. Water happens. Sometimes a lot of it. Knowing where a stack of towels reliably resides may save your life---or your marriage.

9. a polystyrene bucket. Because you sometimes need one really badly. Buying 50 lbs of salt can get you a 'free' one that's quite good.

10. a battery-driven Penn-plax pump with air hose and bubbler. This can save your tank if your power goes out.
Good list!
Only thing ill add is large high quality zip type locking baggies and ALWAYS keep ice ready during summer. Reason is, i lost power this last summer & it was almost 100 degrees outside so I put ice cubes in the baggies & placed a bag in ea tank to keep the temps down. Along with battery bubblers going all was fine.
Just glad i was at home that day, i think power tripped due to everyone using excessive A/C at the time in my area.
+ 1 on the towels. Floods happen and I know you take every precaution but Murphy lives.

Good list, may I add nets?
a spare heater or two, and also an extra power head. Both tend to fail on holiday weekends when the stores are all closed.
Bourbon and meds like praziquantel and chloroquine phosphate O.R. copper power if the said fish does not tolerate the Chloroquine