pseudocorynactis: good or bad?


New member
So I just learned that the hitchhiking "anemone" on my LR is some type of pseudocorynactis mushroom. It is around 3/4 inch across when fully deployed. The center is pink (not orange) and the tentacles are clear with bright white tips. It seems to be the fullest at night, and retracts into a pink ball when threatened. Recently I noticed several tiny clones surrounding it. My question is, should I be worried about it stinging my corals or fish and scrape the little suckers off the rock? Or should I just enjoy their presence? I have heard mixed opinions. Please help!
they're not that bad. they're not a huge nuisance like aiptasia and if you don't like them I'm sure you could probably sell or trade them. I used to have some that came as hitchhikers in one of my old tanks and they never really became a problem.