The unit is fine 98% of the time. Its only one time a year that they flood the drinking water with chlorine.
Here is the realease from WASD:
The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) will change its method of chlorination at each of its regional water treatment facilities for two weeks, beginning Monday, December 3, 2007, and ending on Sunday, December 16, 2007.
Both the Miami-Dade County Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Resources Management require this regular, free-chlorine treatment on an annual basis. This routine procedure is regularly scheduled each year, as free chlorine is considered an effective method of cleansing water distribution systems.
Specifically, drinking water will be treated with free chlorine, instead of the combined chlorine (chloramine), which is normally used. WASD regularly used free chlorine to treat water before November 1983, when regulations on trihalomethanes (THMs) went into effect. WASD has since used combined chlorine to comply with the THM regulations.
County residents may experience some chlorine smell and/or taste in their water during this short-term changeover. This is normal as free chlorine has a slightly different taste and smell than combined chlorine. The temporary change does not cause adverse health affects and is a necessary part of WASD’s ongoing efforts to provide safe, potable drinking water to Miami-Dade County residents.