pump placement for a 270 gallons DT


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Just want to know how can i place my purchased pumps... I bought 2xTunze 6055 and 1xTunze6205 with Tunze 7096 multi controller. I have a L72"xW36"xH24" display tank. The overflow box is located in the width section of the tank. I will be planning to make it an sps tank.

And what will be its mode for making a good flow out of it? is it enough flow? Thanks in advance!

I would place the 6205 on the side with the most SPS, the 6055 are a bit small for a tank of this size, but will be OK if one side will have more LPS and soft corals and needs more gentle flow. 2 6205 is what I would recommend for only SPS. I would use the pulse program.
I would place the 6205 on the side with the most SPS, the 6055 are a bit small for a tank of this size, but will be OK if one side will have more LPS and soft corals and needs more gentle flow. 2 6205 is what I would recommend for only SPS. I would use the pulse program.

can i put the 6205 in a direct position to my sps colonies?
If they are at least a foot a way and you want to slowly increase the flow of the pump to acclimate them. They certainly would have comparable flow in the wild, but if they are captive propagated or have been in holding tanks they have to readjust.
If they are at least a foot a way and you want to slowly increase the flow of the pump to acclimate them. They certainly would have comparable flow in the wild, but if they are captive propagated or have been in holding tanks they have to readjust.

cool thanks...