Purple Monster for sale.

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What some people don't know is that this is a possibility that it is Hugo's stolen purple monster that someone is hacking into pieces and selling it.

Buying this coral would be bad karma for your tank.

If I am wrong I do apologize. How would u feel if someone stole a coral from your tank, and then broke it up and sold it on reefcentral...
Who care, if it is a descent price then I buy it instead of paying more than $100 for a tiny one.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6885435#post6885435 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefrookie2006
Who care, if it is a descent price then I buy it instead of paying more than $100 for a tiny one.

really?just goes to show your ethics(have any idea what that word means?)
How I know this is a stolen coral when I bought from unlimitedreef? Does any one have pictures to prove the corals is belong to Hugo and prove unlimitedreef is Tony? Stop Hi Jack unlimitedreef's thread.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6885871#post6885871 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefrookie2006
How I know this is a stolen coral when I bought from unlimitedreef? Does any one have pictures to prove the corals is belong to Hugo and prove unlimitedreef is Tony? Stop Hi Jack unlimitedreef's thread.

and the bad grammar continues:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
how about posting a picture of your frag Reefrookie2006. Seeing that only you,vpham and turtlespeed got a frag. The only person to put a pic was vpham.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6885901#post6885901 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mchava
and the bad grammar continues:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This is a funny statement coming from you mchava. :lol:
I have seen too many of you coming on to a thread and acting like you know everything. Trying to catch a person in the act, well sort of because you really have no proof. You let your emotions control your actions, you seem to have opinions about everything. If a user have a new account, you claim that they're doing something bad. If you dislikes someone, you accuse them of doing something shady.

Accusations flies around with no proof, all you can do is bash others while trying to make yourself either the good guy or in this case the victim.

Let me ask you guys something, on just one point that Hugo brought out. If I rob your house and takes all of your furnitures, do you think it would be wise of me to open up shop and start selling your furnitures in front of your house? My answer would be NO.

So when another reefer post a thread to sell frags of PM(Purple Monster) at a much lower price than usual, some of you assumes that it belongs to you, some of you assume that it was stolen, some of you assume that it's your right to jump on the seller's thread and start bashing the seller with disregards to any fact or truth. Those of you who start the first jump are the same group of people who do the same many threads ago. You know how that ended.

Now, what the heck is a Purple Monster? Is that the scientific name? Where does it comes from? Are you telling me that this coral was made/breed by single man(Tyree LE) and only a few selected group of people are fortunate enough to own it? Since it is so rare that it commands such a high price? So no one else can have it right? If they do, it must be stolen right?

Mchava, just because I posted a picture of something, you automatically assume that I have a frag? Do I? How do you know that? And does that piece look like snipersps? There's the picture, can you identify that it belongs to snipersps?

Frankysreef, bad karma can happen to those who thinks that they're right too. If you have been wronged by another person, you may have in the past or currently have done wrong to others. The cycle will continues as you can see from all these nonsense threads by the same group of people.

I can't say that I've been a perfect person during my lifetime, but I can say that I've never sold nor do I try to benefit from other reefers during the last 6 years that I've been in the hobby. But that does not mean that others who do are wrong. It's just my preference.

I've had the chance to visit a few wholesalers here in LA since one of my company does shipping for them, and I can say that these corals that we pay a high premium for are just that. High premium corals.

So, what's the point? Well, some of you can be too easily fooled, and some of you have too much time on your hand, and some of you seems to have opinions of everything. Me? I'm in some of the group that is mentioned, but not easily fooled. As for this thread, some of you should try to do this in private. In the end, the joke may be on you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6885205#post6885205 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by F18-Hornet
Can you trade for my Bali Xenia, hard to get too, it's so RARE:


Nope, I already have a frag from maynui, free. Got anything else? How about that Superman Danae?

I see no reason to explain why, this thread is done. Take your schoolyard spat to the schoolyard.
You will be receiving a PM momentarily.........
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