Putting caught Mantis Shrimp in Reefgium...

Gerard the fish

In Memoriam
Yeah yeah I know they are the satan reborn and all that but I have a rather large reefgium (15 gallons) and really like these creatures. However I like the health and well being of my reef more! I wanted to get people's thoughts on this as I think its a great place to put it, but I am a dumb *** rookie so what do I know :p

I would bve extra careful about reaching the "fuge to prune macro algae.

Other than that I don't see a problem. As long as he can't get out of the refugium and back into your main tank.


He may eat some of the larger amphipods but they really are not that hard on the refugium flora/fauna IME. I have a carribean smasher in my mangrove sump/refugium that is quite content.
I keep many of my animals in refugia and satellite tanks. It works really well. The only caveat I would offer is don't forget to screen off any siphons or water intakes.

I came into my lab this morning to find a difficult to acquire Odontodactylus latirostris sitting one inch from the burrow entrance of a 20 cm Lysiosquillina that easily could make lunch of the smaller animal. The Lysio is in a satellite tank with its burrow in 2 feet of sand. The O. latirostris is in an 100 gallon tank recreating the rubble plain on which it lives. The two are connected by a small pump that feeds water into the Lysio tanK. Return is through a couple of 1 inch siphons. One of the screens came off a siphon and the O. latirostis when throuh it even though it was against the flow.
