QT question?


New member
I have an Eclipse 12 bowfront set-up as my QT tank. It was established and cycled with BioSpira. It has been empty (no waste production) for 3 weeks.

What do you do, if anything, to keep the bacteria "fed"? Should I "feed" the tank periodically? I really don't want to sacrifice in it just to maintain a healthy bacteria load, but I do want a quick place for a sick fish if needed (i.e. Kole or Powder Blue tangs).

Any suggestions?
I don't have a good scientific answer, but I can tell you what has worked for me.

My little 10 gallon just stays running with a little live rock, various macro and some hair algae and has a thriving mysid and copepod population. Whenever I'm cleaning the prefilters for my powerheads or my filter floss from the sump, I pick whatever mysids I see off and throw them in that tank to grow.

Occasionally I'll put a little phyto in there or pulverized food, but not on any regular schedule.

I harvest algae for my tang and cull the excess out periodically.

That tank has come in so handy. Right now Blenny is there doing his solitary time for being a bad community citizen.
Hah ... good you posted twice to get different opinions.

Actually, I agree that Barrett is right for a true quarantine tank.

I like keeping mine with some life and there isn't anything in there I couldn't sacrifice or move somewhere else if I needed to treat with heavy medication.

I guess I really just use my 10 as a place to move stuff in an out and put it somewhere until I can figure out what to do with it more than a true quarantine tank.

Thanks for the reply. (I am not sure why the thread posted twice....touchy trigger finger I guess!) I think I will opt for Barret's answer as it involves less work!
