Quarantine Tanks ??

Quarantine Tanks ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Might consider one

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • A waste of time and money

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
Quarantine - a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

Thus....a quarantine tank is often used in aquaria as a confined space or transitional period of isolation for observation and adjustment/acclimation in my opinion. During this period, one can observe and react to any potential outbreak of disease, bacterial infection or predatory host from the new addition.

A quarantine can consist of a few days by some, weeks by others, still some prefer a full month. QTing has it's benefits, yet it is estimated that only 5 to 10% of reefers actually utilize a QT.


Do you have a QT ? ( see attached poll above )

Would you consider one?

Is it vital in your opinion?

Do you feel a QT could have saved you a lot of headaches and money in the past or present?

If you have one, can you share the details regarding it.

If you own a QT, please share your protocol.


Mucho Reef
I have not had one in the past however next week I am picking up a 210g tank that was paid for weeks ago and I will be using my current 75g as a quarantine tank. I am getting some more delicate fish and want to make sure they eat first. I am also going to be getting some more difficult coral and will be inspecting for red bugs. I will most likely not quarantine zoas.

edit - I am selecting 'no' right now because I do not currently have one.

edit 2 - why didn't you vote mucho?
Will you try to closely match the 2 systems parameter-wise, to diminish any ill affects during acclimation after you transition to the new 210g?
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Doubtful for fish. I am going to drop the salinity to around 1.008 for 6 weeks. I have never seen ich or any other parasites on any of my fish but want to try this just to be sure before I purchase more costly and finiscky fish. When I purchase sps I will just be trying to hit the middle - 1.026, alk around 8, ca around 420, mg around 1300. zoas and lps will be dipped but not QT'd
Do you have a QT ?
--I have a 20L that I setup as a frag tank. Lucky I had it because about a week after I set it up, my zoas started melting away. I narrowed it down to a bacterial infection on a new colony and was able to isolate it into the 20L and got it under control.

Would you consider one?
After 15+ years in the hobby, I have never used one(except at the store I used to work at) until last month. I have never really had any problems with fish or any other corals that I have kept until I started focusing on zoas.

Is it vital in your opinion?
I wouldn't say it is vital...but I would say it is easier to control zoa diseases. With the money that is spent on zoas these days, a simple quarantine tank is well worth it, especially with as quick as some diseases can destroy zoas.

Do you feel a QT could have saved you a lot of headaches and money in the past or present?
Yes definitely.

If you have one, can you share the details regarding it.
20L, Aqua Clear filter, 150 watt heater, Coralife T5 4 bulb lighting fixture 40#'s live sand.

If you own a QT, please share your protocol.
Depending on where I receive my livestock...some stuff will be quarantined for a week or two, some stuff is put directly into my DT. The nicest reason for the QT is if I see something looking funky in my DT, it is moved directly into my QT.
I use a 12 gallon JBJ Nano for quarantine. I keep the media such as sponge and ceramic "donuts" in the sump when the QT is not running. It's easy to start it back up at a moment's notice that way. When I add a new fish, I adjust the QT parameters to fit the water in the bag and slowly change that with water changes from the Display tank. I do not treat the QT water with anything unless I see symptoms. Only once have I had anything that needed treatment when I got Ich in the QT. I treated that with copper and was able to introduce healthy fish to the Display after a six week quarantine.
Hello Eileen, thanks for sharing that.


Have you ever QT'd any of your corals?

Mucho Reef
I finished my cycle and added 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp from Live Aquaria at the same time. I didn't worry abut QT because there was nothing else in the tank and it would be easy enough to transfer the clowns into my 20 high if any symptoms were presented. I don't plan on adding anything else for several months, so I'm not worried about it.

My first new addition will be going into the 20 for an extended stay. I do see one complication with QT'ing corals. It would be necessary to maintain a vertebrate tank and an invert tank to ensure there was no contamination with something like copper.
Thanks for sharing that.

Could you share why and how you feel one would contaminate the other.


Mucho Reef
Thanks for sharing that.

Could you share why and how you feel one would contaminate the other.


Mucho Reef

I see many people stress how hazardous it may be to put inverts in a tank that had copper in it, so it seems logical to have a FO QT that can be medicated without worrying about future invert consequences.
For those who do have a QT, could you share your set up with us and any details of it? Also, why you chose to maintain one and the benefits you've witnessed.


Mucho Reef
My QT is a 29 gallon bare bottom tank with a HOB filter. There is a heater and a PVC 3 way for fish to hide. I keep some filter floss in my main tanks sump and add it to the QT every 3 to 4 weeks. I do a 5 gallon water change every 3 to 5 days. I keep the light off most of the time to give a new fish a stress free tank. I always do 2 rounds of preventative prazipro treatments. I found with a QT tank is make sure you keep it simple.

That's awesome, thanks for sharing. But as it relates to this forum, do you QT your new zoanthids? Thanks.

NO ONE WANTS TO SHARE ANYTHING REGARDING THEIR QT? Or even their opinions pro or con or why they voted they way they did above?


Do you have a QT ? ( see attached poll above )

Would you consider one?

Is it vital in your opinion?

Do you feel a QT could have saved you a lot of headaches and money in the past or present?

If you have one, can you share the details regarding it.

If you own a QT, please share your protocol.
Well, the duration of this poll is coming to an end. Wish I could have received more feedback, but hey, I will keep trying.

Thank you to those who did reply and share their info and experience.

rogersb - keep us posted my friend.