Question for Roy Caldwell

Do you know how or where I can obtain a Squilla empusa?I have been keeping a look out for almost a year.I really want a spearer especially,since my 4" G. chiragra passed away recently.I know they live on the east coast,I live in Georgia.
somebody( i forget who), i k now they where in florida though, said that sometimes the bait stores down there got mantis in by mistake with their bait shrimp, and they would often give them away for free. they posted a pic and dr. roy id'ed it as squilla empusa. so you might could try lookin at your local bait shop
Shrimpers in the Gulf from FLorida to Texas get them all the time. Most won't bother selling them by mail, however. Your best bet is to check with some of the livestock suppliers from Florida - particullary in the Tampa area. They sometimes check trawlers for animals that they can sell.
