Question regarding overflow silencer standpipe


Active member
Hi Guys,
First of all, thanks for the fast shipping! I received my 1.5" silencer stand pipe today and was wondering what the airline is for? I assume it goes into the hole on the top, however, there is no valve to adjust the air intake. Does it need a valve? If it doesn't, then how does the airline tubing work? Btw, I don't have a tank yet so I can't experiment with it.
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You are correct in assuming that the airline goes in the top of the silencer. Go ahead and push the silencer in around 1" to start with. From here, you will have to either push it in more, or slightly pull it out, just depending on the water flow going through the pipe to find the "sweet spot" that will quiet it down. Just play around with it a little bit and you will hit the spot. No valve is needed for this.
