questions about Ich


Registered Member
Hi Steven
First thank you for contacting me. I have read both of your articles but I can not still find an answer to my question. Therefore I would like to ask you a question on Ich. I was told that ich can get into my system on coral. I am wondering is this statement true. I had a bad case of ich therefore I left my tank fishless for four weeks. Yesterday I added some Qt cardinals and within a few days they came down with a few dots of ich. I add corals weekly. If Ich does come on coral does coral reef dip help.
Thank you your knowledge is greatly appreciated.
Yes, if these corals came out of a tank/system that housed infected fish, they can bring Cryptocaryon tomonts with them attached to the substrate.

The dip is unlikely to affect the tomonts.
okay I guess I will either setup a coral holding tank or just don't add fish to my main tank for a while.

Thank you very much for the help