R.I.P To Lucy


New member
:hmm2::sad1: ( old post and pic)

I am just now posting this to share that my Lucy Peacock Mantis passed away 2 weeks ago. I am still very heart broken, ( Snif!) since I have been wanting a mantis such as her for a long time now, How wonderful these creatures are. I miss this little one very much..
We went out of town on vacation and the person that was watching the tanks for us, saw her on the floor and did the carpet surf. She will be missed very much.

So sorry Darlene..I sure hope I make this move with all my critters intact...it is amazing how attached you can get to something so small ...
So sorry Darlene..I sure hope I make this move with all my critters intact...it is amazing how attached you can get to something so small ...

I agree Bj, I got so attached to this little one and it broke my heart so bad and im still crying over her .. snif !!