RD3 MiniSpeedy 50 watt F3 error


Hey Scott,

My RD3 is acting up. Last week, I did a maintenance because the pump was getting an F3 error. Took the whole skimmer apart and gave her a nice vinegar bath. Disassembled the pump, soaked it in vinegar, scrubbed it with a toothbrush inside and out, put it all back together and it started up after a few bumpy starts.

This week, my power went out for a few minutes, and went the power came back I was getting F3 again. So I took it apart and gave it yet another bath and scrub and put it back together. This time the controller keeps giving me the F3 error on startup. It's really frustrating since I really don't think I have even had this pump more than 2 years. Any thoughts?

Thanks man. Hope you're not too cold up there in the wilderness. 😀