Rebirth Of My 270..The Slow Journey


New member
I set this system up in the fall of 2010. I spent all summer finalizing plans and waiting for my tank to come in. On September 1, it was up and running. Here is where I started:


About one year later is when the system peaked. Most of my corals were looking great. My fish were healthy and algae was at a minimum:




Then my focus waned throughout the winter and the summer of 2012 went to golf. I don't have any more full tank shots of this point which shows I wasn't paying enough attention. I started noticing some white lesions on the montis and polyp extension throughout was poor. Then my alk dosing pump got stuck on.....salinity went to 1.036 (and probably higher since later I found my hydrometer was measuring low about .005) and my alk went t0 about 15. My system was in a downward spiral at that point already and this made it faster. I lost a lot of stuff. Here is September 9th, 2012:


It has been a slow process to turn my tank around. I vowed not to gut my tank and just wait for it to rebound. Here it is now:


In my next posts I will chronicle a little more closely how I got to this point.
Here is my current equipment list:

A.G.E. custom 270 gallon aquarium. 72" x 36" x 24" deep. Three sides starphire glass, pvc bottome, and acrylic euro bracing. There are two overflows, one in each back corner.

Return pump is a Pan World 200PS

Skimmer is a Octopus 6000 SSS(Super Space Saver I think) with one three inch neck extender

For water movement inside tank I have two Vortech mp 40's sinked. Both are placed on the right side and run in long pulse mode. There is a modded Maxijet 1200 placed inbetween the two mp 40's. On the left side of the tank there is one modded Maxijet 1200 and a Tunze nano.

Lighting consists of 3 400w MH, 4 t5, two 24" strips of LED's. Two of the MH's run on ice cap ballasts, the third on a Coralvue 250-400w selectable wattage ballast. The t5's are run on an icecap 660 ballast. The 2 LED's are all Cree royal blue on a Mean Well ELN-60-48D dimmed all low as possible. The lights are run on an Reefkeeper Lite.

Temperature is taken care of with a Finnex 300w and a Jager 120w.
Dosing Alk and Cal is done with a 2 BRS Drew's Doser Pumps. Vodka is dosed with a third Drew's Doser

The sump is in a dedicated fishroom and consists of a main sump with a refugium/frag bin and a garbage can with live rock connected to it.

More on the rebirth later. This experience really taught me some patience.
So here is what I believe was my biggest mistake: Not having a refractometer. Now I knew beforehand that hydrometers were known for being a bit off. I thought that meant if the hydrometer said 1.026 my water my be somewhere between 1.025 and 1.027...not 1.034! When I checked out my hydrometer the first time with my refractometer, I was both enraged and relieved. Enraged because a manufacturer put out a product this poorly accurate and relieved because I was sure that I had found one big reason for my problems. I am sure that my salinity being off caused more than just my corals to look horrible and die.

I know one huge improvement that occurred when the salinity was normalized was my skimmer being more stable. When I first got my Reef Octopus it ran great. At some point it started going haywire. Underskimming and then overskimmimg and overflowing. I tried just about everything and nothing worked. My skimmer has been totally stable since my salinity has been stabilized. Having a stable skimmer that I can adjust to skim pretty wet is hugely important IMO.

The bottom line is....Hydrometers are a poor investment. Buy or borrow a refractometer.
I took another FTS today messing around with RAW on my camera.

Yesterday I increased my MH lights on cycle to 7.25 hrs from 7 hrs. I had the cycle at 7 hrs trying to reduce algae growth and to keep temps below 80F. I think I have both of those things under control so I am going to start trying to jump start some faster SPS growth.
Wow you sure went through alot in a little short period. You have recovered well and the tank is coming back. Everything is looking good.
Thanks Newbie. Its still coming along slow and steady.

Here is the story of my Grape Monti. Started off small...


Grew very quickly into this.


I like the spiral layers.


Now it is here:


I really like the color of this monti and how fast it grows. One thing I have learned to really keep a close eye on is the polyp extension. One thing I remember is not seeing this monti's polyps I do.