Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

No problem. Cap'n and Paul are really helpful and knowledgable even though they are getting rather old. I definitely like the rock work from what I see.

old eh---come work with me for a week and slug the 100 plus gallons of salt water plus that I do. At 60 I don't know any one else that is doing this job(maybe they are all smarter then me :rollface:)
Just pulled out the flame angel. :( It's for the best for her and my tank to get back to normal. I'm still afraid that this added stress may do her in however. But I figure that after a month in my tank and is still stressed out then I'd rather her die quicker in a QT tank then slowly over the next year in mine. She started shaking her head here and there the other day which is a sign she's getting ich in the gills I believe. I noticed the cleaners sticking their hands in there and pulling stuff out. I think if it wasn't for the two cleaner shrimps I have her gills would probably be seized up already. They certainly have been doing their jobs.

have you looked into the possibliity of flukes?

Sorry for posting without reading this thread first---I have a feeling the flame angel just might make it in the qt
Thanks for the advice Capn.

Hi Paul, and nice to meet you too.

Jason....I love your YWG and Pistol shrimp relationship. My son loves that video and asked to watch it again today. My YWG just decided to move homes after 2 months to the other side of the tank. I know an emerald has invaded his old territory for the last few days and maybe that ****ed him off enough to move. It was nice to see him though, he got a lot bigger! My son is now asking for a pistol shrimp...
have you looked into the possibility of flukes?

Sorry for posting without reading this thread first---I have a feeling the flame angel just might make it in the qt

Yep, that's what started all this with the angel. I got rid of the fluke with prazipro and HLLE developed as well while I was treating for fluke and then once I was done treating with prazipro and the fluke was gone I started treating with melafix and pimafix which helped a lot to reverse the HLLE. While doing that though she started to break out with Ich and initially went away pretty quickly. But recently she just had a bad outbreak and started to affect her gills which prompted me to take the next step in pulling her completely out and getting her treated in a proper QT.

I tried ich attack and all it did was cause a massive cyano outbreak.
Just finished up with a three days lights out which has completely gotten rid of the cyano. I've also stopped dosing any and all medications and placed in a polyfilter and just got my saltwater mixed up today to do a series of small water changes each day for the rest of the week to Sunday. That should help get my tank back to normal.

One thing about the massive cyano outbreak is that the pods absolutely loved it and massively multiplied.

Jason....I love your YWG and Pistol shrimp relationship. My son loves that video and asked to watch it again today. My YWG just decided to move homes after 2 months to the other side of the tank. I know an emerald has invaded his old territory for the last few days and maybe that ****ed him off enough to move. It was nice to see him though, he got a lot bigger! My son is now asking for a pistol shrimp...

Thanks, watchmen gobbies and pistols are a very synergistic pairing. Apart I didn't really find them much fun because the watchman goby just staid in one place and the pistol shrimp was to scared to venture far out and kept digging where I couldn't see him. So, now the watchman goby still just sits there but he's farther out so at least I get to see him dart in and out of the cave as other fish swim by. He also moves around to where ever the pistol is digging. Also, the pistol now is braver to start digging and pushing stuff around where I can see him.
I cant wait to start stocking my 75...Waiting sucks. I need to order my second light fixture too before I can add corals. Waiting for pay day...I am super exited about the lights I will have a total of 316w T5s with 8 blue moon LEDs so I can pretty much stock whatever corals my little heart desires :dance:
6 T5s? That will be very nice and give a good variaty of different bulbs to try out. You'll have to check out the T5 lighting threat in the equipment forum. Pretty much it's everyone asking what bulb combo they should use for what they have in their tank and the Grim Reefer answers pretty much every single one of them. I love the UVL Actinic White he suggested for me. Really makes colors pop.

I hear you on waiting. I really can't wait to get some corals. But I need to get my tank cleared up and also want to try out an anemone first and let it get settled in. I was really liking the rose buble tip but been looking at these Rock flower's. I really like them but want to find out more about them.

Jason, very nice progress. The stand looks great with your refinish! Sorry about your angel.. May I offer something? If you are using ozone, you need to filter the water through some type of carbon before it returns to the tank. O3 is great for clearing the water, and raising redox (ORP), but it can irritate sensitive fish gills. Could this be what is happening to the angel? Ozone hangs around in salt water. Some studies have shown a half life of over 24 hours. Perhaps your angel is getting stressed out from residual O3?
Ali, your tank looks great too.. keep up the good work! 75's are great tanks to landscape!
Jason, very nice progress. The stand looks great with your refinish! Sorry about your angel.. May I offer something? If you are using ozone, you need to filter the water through some type of carbon before it returns to the tank. O3 is great for clearing the water, and raising redox (ORP), but it can irritate sensitive fish gills. Could this be what is happening to the angel? Ozone hangs around in salt water. Some studies have shown a half life of over 24 hours. Perhaps your angel is getting stressed out from residual O3?
Ali, your tank looks great too.. keep up the good work! 75's are great tanks to landscape!

Thanks, also thanks for the tips and residual ozone getting into the tank could easily fry their gills so good catch. I got myself a residual ozone test kit when I first got the ozonizer hooked up to make sure there wasn't any in the main tank. I've tested several times and each time comes back as 0. Plus, my ozonizer broke down at least a week ago or more. Red Sea is sending me a replacement. Don't know why but my ORP has always been low and it plumetted back down to the low 100s.
Yes that would make 6 T5's :) Thanks for the info on the lighting forum, I didn't know there was one. I don't have an anemone yet either, I really want a rose bubble tip, but my husband keeps trying to argue about it...that rock flower is interesting (looks a little evil), I have never seen one before...
My perc hosts in our frogspawn right now. I really want a pair of oceallaris clowns for the 75, and will probly end up with the rose bubble tip...I dont know. My stock list changes every day. :rolleyes:
Jason, if your ORP is 100, thats much too low. I run my Ozone generator at full speed with no carbon but the water does go through an algae trough before it returns to the tank, for many years it went straight into the tank. I am not sure I agree about that ozone half life deal. Ozone is very reactive and degrades as soon as an ozone molecule contacts a molocule of anything else.
This was one of my watchman gobies when he was very young.

Then, when I wasn't looking, he turned into this:

Jason, if your ORP is 100, thats much too low. I run my Ozone generator at full speed with no carbon but the water does go through an algae trough before it returns to the tank, for many years it went straight into the tank. I am not sure I agree about that ozone half life deal. Ozone is very reactive and degrades as soon as an ozone molecule contacts a molocule of anything else.
This was one of my watchman gobies when he was very young.

Yeah, I was talking with Randy (long name to follow ) in another thread in the Chemistry forum about if I should be concerned or not about an ORP level in the low 100's with out Ozone and barely pushing to 200 with ozone being added. Pretty much what came out of it is that either 1) Might be just fine as long as everything else in the tank looks good or 2) Check your ORP probe against a reference fluid.

I'll be getting some reference fluid...

Nice picture too. Exactly what mine is like right now. He's such a small little sliver of a thing. He could easily be a quick snack to the tiger pistol. Good thing they are symbiotic.
I run a lot of Ozone and feel it is one of the best things you could do. I have been running it for decades and never found it to burn anyone's gills.
It is cranked all the way up and injected into my 5' skimmer so it has a lot of time to react and also to degrade.
You can read my ORP number here in this picture.
Of course I have no idea if that number is correct. I also don't have any calibration fluid.
OK but don't send me the bill if they croak


I'll do everything I can to keep them plump and happy. I've read that damn mandarin primer and thread a million times already.

Good idea on seeding the substrate with pellets for extra supplemental food for the pods and keep their numbers up.
Hmmm... I think I'm building noah's arch. So far I've got a pair of clowns, cardinals, peppermints x2, and now mandarins. I can now say my tank is officially done being stocked with fish.

I guess the YWG and Pistol are a pair but those would be some messed up babies. I also have two cleaners too but different types.
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I think I'm building noah's "arch".

Did Noah also have an "arch" along with the Ark? Or maybe he ate at Mc Donalds a lot.
They have golden arches :hammer:

Don't bury too many pellets, it is still un eaten food. Eventually you won't need to feed the pods as long as you don't sterilize that tank too much.
Did Noah also have an "arch" along with the Ark? Or maybe he ate at Mc Donalds a lot.
They have golden arches :hammer:

Don't bury too many pellets, it is still un eaten food. Eventually you won't need to feed the pods as long as you don't sterilize that tank too much.

iespell needs a grammar check to go along with the spell check.

So far I think I've got a decent balance going using the turf algae as a guide. Since it's there and hasn't grown or shrunk I'm feeling good about how much I've been feeding so far and having the tank clean enough to not have it spread like wild but also dirty enough for it to not die out.