Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Thanks for a new site to explore! Paul has have shells...and I have lawn furniture? Haha, I am a big fan of shells too, I have added quiet a few to the 20 gallon.
Went home over lunch to put in the new additions and swap out the power heads. I took some pictures but didn't have time to upload them yet. Will have a lot of pictures to upload tonight.

The Koralia 4 is much bigger then the Two SEIO p530's which I was expecting and bigger then the SEIO m830. I took out all three SEIOs and the mj1200 and added in the big honking K4s. Surprisingly because of their sleek design they really didn't stand out to bad. I like that they are black and against the black painted background they do not stick out like a sore thumb. So, very pleased with that. I do think it looks better having those two bigger pumps in there opposed to the 4 smaller ones.

They are not near as flexible in how you point them as the p530's were but on the plus side they have a tremendously wide flow. Much wider then any of the SEIOs. Turn them on and put your hand an inch in front of the K4s and you can really feel the force but like magic you pull your hand back a couple inches and it's super gentle. Definitely don't need the mj1200 for surface tension anymore as the k4's pointed slightly down still hit the water surface a lot because of how wide the flow is as well.

So, I really should have listened to Rae about getting the K3s way back on page 1. The size and lack of flexibility in positioning scared me off. Oh well. I probably would be good with K3s as well but got this good deal on the K4s. So, for flow I now have the 2 k4s at 1200gph each and the skimmer feeding the refug at around 280gph. That brings my total to about 2680 GPH or 48.72x turn over rate!!!

I'll probably use that m820 for salt mixing and aerating. Guess I could keep the p530s for spares incase something breaks.
Here's the pics of the YWG and the Tiger Pistol. Best pics I've gotten of them yet. You'll notice that the Tiger Pistol always keeps his feeler antenna on the YWG as much as possible.



I can honestly say I love you for these... they are perfect. Thank you Thank you! :beer: You just made my project much easier :D

Not too many pics on the web of the two of them together, so this is really helpful.
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Thank Ali. They are coming out more now that they don't feel threatened.

Here's a few more livestock pics.


Just hanging around

Checking out the new real estate for sale
I thought this video was great, and thought I would share. At one point the Tiger Pistols blast reaches temperatures as hot as the sun (I didn't know this, so obviously I am very impressed at the moment :)

Yeah, that's a great video. Luckily he seems to have no interest in the other shrimp in my tank. In fact today I crawled right over one of the peppermints to get to a piece of mysis he smelled out.
Great Pics! Those Koralias are bigger, but they do blend in well with the black background. I love your rock work, I think I am going to take all my rock out and try again before I start moving livestock. Hopefully next week I will be moving stuff over to the 75. I still need to order my other light fixture and figure out which Koralia I want.:hmm3:
Hey guys...couple questions for ya? Today is week 5 of the 75 running and I am testing both tanks tomorrow to make sure they are the same parameters/temp and so on. If all is a go and I decided to move my livestock do I need to acclimate them or can I just catch them and throw them in?

If tomorrow is D day then I am taking out all the LR out of the 75 to catch the chromis :hmm5: ugh That was just bad idea to begin with.
Any way... I am going to move most of the LR the YWG, the false perc and the firefish and leave the Flame angel in the 20. Corals have to stay in the 20 untill I get new light. I am going to give chromis back to LFS and trade for CUC.
SO my other question would long should I wait after moving the old fish into new tank before I can start adding new fish to the new tank? I was planning to use the 20 as a quarantine, but because the Flame is in there... I don't think that is effective? I want to add the Flame to the 75 last, but other fish I am considering are, Midas Blenny, leopard wrasse, 2 oceallaris clowns (trade in perc) and I might attempt to throw in another type of dwarf Angel (risky I know)

How long should I wait before transferring my Linckia Starfish?

Ok now that I have said all that, I feel like it makes no sense. Good thing I am not being graded on sentence structure...Thanks for any inputs or ideas...Iam so confused! :bounce3:
I don't see transfering three fish as a big problem. If you were really nervous about it you could transfer over one at a time over a week or two period. I'd probably still acclimate them for a little bit but probably not needed if the parameters are all the same. Salinity/pH/temp/nitrates are ones I would think cause the most stress if they are different or drastically different for a fish.

Nice choice on the fish. Though I think the midas blenny is yelllow and might cause aggression between the YWG and it becaues the shapes and color are pretty close. I might be wrong. I've seen several success stories of two dwarfs in a 75 but it could cause problems. Definitely add them in together last and at the same time.

No idea on the starfish. I used to have a chocolate chip starfish but that was a while ago. He got big and loved to eat.
Thanks! I am like freaking out and I don't know why I am so stressed out. I am not too worried about adding the 3 fish at once...I am just concerned about the method of it all. Someone else brought up a good point about me moving LR and all the crap I am going to stir up, so now I am worried about that too. The only way I am going to get the chromis out is to take the rock out. I guess I will wait and see what the water tests are and go from there. I will let you know.

Never thought about the Midas and Goby not getting along...My goby never comes out of the rock hole other than to eat and randomly perches on a rock at the back of the tank. Only one way to find out I guess. If I don't get another angel I want either a Pakistan butterfly or a saddleback butterfly. I can't decide...
Thanks! I am like freaking out and I don't know why I am so stressed out.

Ali, go lay down, have a glass of some nice red wine and relax. This is a hobby and is supposed to un stress and un freak you out.
There are other things that you can do if you want to be stressed out like listen to some Rap music.

The chromis will forgive you and the midas and gobi will make up and be friends. ;)
Haha, Paul :) I am not drinking wine at 10:45 in the AM that may rise some concerns...
I am only stressed out about the process...once everything is settled I will be fine. If I end up doing the transfer of everything today then I will definitely be enjoy some type alcoholic beverage this evening :D

Thanks, for the encouragement. I will let you know how everything goes :crazy1:
:furious: OK, well not so good news. Nitrates on 75 are 10 sooooo no moving fish today :( I am doing a 20% water change and will check things out in a couple of days.

In other news... my favorite LFS is going to be moving before Thanksgiving...and they are trying to sell all the livestock before the move to minimize death of fish. They are hopefully going to be lowering prices to clear out in a week or so, and I am really hoping my tank will be ready for a couple fish so I can get some at a good price. Stock list will be
2 Oceallaris
Midas Blenny
Leopard Wrasse
Yellow Watchmen Goby
Flame Angel
Under consideration is a foxface and a mandarin

Ok so I am happy about the fish news, but I was really counting on moving everything. Oh well, I'll keep ya updated:wave: Oh and I am going to have that drink soon anyway...;)
10 Really isn't that bad for fish. As long as there is no ammonia you'd be fine. Water change would be fine to do either way.
Yeah, no ammonia...I guess I am being picky about the nitrates. I maintain 0 on the 20 and I guess I was hoping the same for the 75. I am bidding on my light fixture on eBay right now, so I am hoping to start adding my corals next week some time so I just want to have everything under control. My husband is cutting the crate for the LR ruble in the sump right now...I thought maybe that was creating a nitrate problem and having it lifted up will help.
OK, well I spent 6 hours of re-aquascaping and catching fish. I succeeded in the fish catching but still don't like my aquascaping. I don't think having beer while aquascaping was such a good idea. :thumbdown:
Buying fish tomorrow from LFS to hold for me until my tank is ready or until the move whatever comes first. They only have one midas left and I have had my eye on a pair of clowns for a couple weeks, and I thought I might as well buy them before someone else does. They lost a midas today because it took the big suicidal jump :bounce2: I told them if mine jumps in their care they owe me a fish...