Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

I don't think having beer while aquascaping was such a good idea. :

Sure it is


Ali, sounds like you got a pretty good LFS. I spent hours moving rocks around and ended up back to just about where I started.
I love my LFS...I wanted to buy something last night and they wouldn't let me! I have serious ETS and I am going crazy. I am going to purchase my pair of clowns and the midas today. They only have one leopard wrasse left... I should probably pay for him too. I wish they weren't moving as my tank is getting ready. I don't want to buy any fish after the move because of any additional stress. Here is the website if you wanna check it out. Unfortunately they are moving 15 miles away...right now they are about 4 miles. Worth the drive though.

Paul thats awesome, I love your tank. SO far you have made me laugh everyday, and thats great :beer:
Ok well...I went to LFS paid for my 2 clowns and the midas and because I was so sad and didn't want to leave empty handed I bought this to hang out in my 20

When I got home I took the majority of my rock out of the 20 and moved it to the 75 and I also managed to catch my perc, YWG and firefish. Everyone is happ as can be in the new home. I am much happier to with the extra rock and my aquascaping. Boy, did I make a big mess tho! :eek1:


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Nice little shrimp. I love cleaner shrimps. Pretty peaceful and usually active.

Looks like my clowns have finally mated in my tank. I was noticing the female getting a HUGE gut. Just thought she was eating really well since the flame angel was removed. Looks like not only was she eating better but the two of them must have been getting a lot more alone time. Today I look and she wasn't bulging like she was yesterday and in the back of the tank on the glass are their eggs. I tried getting a picture but no reason to post it. All you have to do is close your eyes and there's the picture. It's to much in the back and dark and can't get a good shot unless I remove some rock and I'm not about to do that. I should have gotten a picture of her last night though all plump. I thought about it but didn't.....

On a totally off topic from reef keeping, I finally am getting back into my biggest passion and that's powerlifting. I haven't trained in about four months now since just before the baby was born. I've lost a lot of what I had gained before but will work hard to get back to where I was and then some. I have until next March when I plan on getting back into a meet and start competing again. It's felt so good to get back into it even though I feel weak as heck right now.

This was the last meet I was in, I had a pretty good day and was hoping for more but I had a broken rib that really didn't feel very good. I passed out after my third squat attempt and passed on my last deadlift attempt and called it good for the day. I took 1st in my division and set several personal records.

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Very true Capn. My body is has a long way to go to get back to where I was. I was about 215lbs in that vid. I'm down to 188lbs now. No training, lack of sleep, not eating enough, and high stress has taken it's toll on me. I can at least control the training and eating aspect and push through.

:lol: Paul, are you training for the next time you have to hall in some NSW?
Yes I am.
You remind me of a friend I had in basic training in the Army. He was from Waverly Iowa.
Rural Route 1 was his address. When the drill Sgt used to give us push ups, he would say, "which hand" I would always do my pushups next to him because he would count loud, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and I would say 10, and of course do one.
He could do push ups all day with one hand and he could do them with two hands with me on his back.
It was his thing. I was a New Yorker and the drill Sgt. who was from the south said to me, "hey 33rd and 3rd (which was my name to him) what do you do in NY? Climb walls?

I answered back "No drill Sgt, in NY we have elevators.
I ran and crawled through the mud every day for the rest of my time in boot camp.

Great story. My grandpa got lucky. He enlisted at the tail end of the war. He was almost sent to France for D-day but they had already filled their committed numbers needed and he was sent over to go into Germany after we defeated the Germans in France and pushed into Germany. He really didn't see much action as they started to just surrender there and and tried to reinforce themselves in Italy. He used to travel over to Germany and check out the places he had been every once in a while. He's really sick now and probably wont get back over there again.
Jason that video was painful for me to watch...I was trying to help you lift lol! You are also one of the only people I know of that complain about loosing weight...Good luck getting back into shape, I am sure that is stresful on the body. I have like 0 upper body strength and can't imagine lifting like that! You probly carry around your fish tank all by yourself?? :lolspin:

On another note, I should have been more specific my purchase was the elephant ear not the shrimp, he is just an attention whore. My son used his allowance to buy a six line wrasse today and I will get pics as soon as I can. Looks like LFS only has 20 days to move, so I will be bringing home the two clowns and midas soon too. My son had a mental breakdown in the middle of the fishh store today because someone bought the leopard wrasse right in front of him, and I had told him we would get it. The man who bought it didn't take any sympathy on a crying 3 year old either. I should have bought it last week. So now I am on the search for another one...
Hey guys, just a little update. I decided to move everything that was left yesterday. I am using the light fixture from the 20 on one side of the tank along with the 108w T5 for the corals. My new one will be here in 4 days!! :) I was worried about moving the Flame over so soon, and thought I should wait but I noticed a NITRITE spike in the 20 and I freaked out. The tank has been running flawless sense August, so I just thought moving everything into the 75 would be the easiest fix. I was worried about moving the starfish as well, but the star and Flame seem to be doing great. I placed all the corals up high for now to get the light they need. We are going to pick up the two clowns and blenny today and I am going to do another 20% water change because I am worried about the bio load that has gone into the tank the past couple days. LFS is starting to take down tanks on Monday so I don't have much of a choice. I am thinking about doing a 80% water change in the 20 gallon so I can have a quarantine...but I am still really confused about the nitrite spike???

Any advice would be much appreciated :)
Ali, the most important thing I ever did in this hobby many years ago was to throw out my test kits.
The baceria know their jobs and will take care of it probably better than if you mess with anything.
It's not wisdom, I was too cheap to buy new kits.
Now I find a good Cognac or a nice Merlot makes me feel better than a low nitrite reading.
My fish will get over it. I didn't tell them to get themselves collected :fish1:
Just got a good deal I couldn't pass up. Wife isn't the happiest about it but will go with it. I got a 20g long tank, hood w/ light and timer, hob filter with surface skimmer, extra poly material to cut up, metal stand, and digital temp gauge. For a wopping $30. Gotta love Goodwill. We get a lot of the baby clothes there and even our own. Great prices and just have to look out for stuff still looking like new or in some cases are new.

This will be perfect for a QT/hospital tank. I have absolutely no where to put it but it will be only used for short durrations and not permanently setup. Will probably have to be put it behind a door or something when I do need to set it up. I like that I now have control over my QT process and not have to rely on someone else.
and digital temp gauge.

Every day when I get up and pass my tank, I put my finger on the glass. I can generally tell if the temp is correct. Well close anyway. If my finger sticks to the glass I know the heater is malfunctioning. :thumbsup:
Every day when I get up and pass my tank, I put my finger on the glass. I can generally tell if the temp is correct. Well close anyway. If my finger sticks to the glass I know the heater is malfunctioning. :thumbsup:

:lol: I do that with my main tank all the time. Well, I stick my finger in the water and not on the tank itself.