Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Nice updates, glad everything is going well for you. Am interested on how that new skimmer performs.

Thanks, you know I will. Talked with the LFG today and got some more details. I guess he'll be getting it in some time next week or early the week after and will be the NAC5E.
Tank is completely stocked now for fish.

Female Long fin fairy wrasse

Male long fin fairy wrasse

Sharknose goby

Mystery Wrasse


The mandarins where out posing


Couldn't get both sharknose gobies and that was the only shot that wasn't completely blurry. They're both swimming around like crazy exploring every crevice and hole. The mystery wrasse isn't trying to hide but his white stripes have come back out.
Dang, wish I had the camera at the ready tonight. The sharknose gobies like to take a ride on the mandarins. Haven't seen them on any other fish yet. Also, the mandarins were going at it again tonight. I want to get that on vid. They really get excited when the canopy lights go out and the refugium light is still on and some of it goes into the tank. Which seems right to what I've ready about them mating right at sundown.
Dang, wish I had the camera at the ready tonight. The sharknose gobies like to take a ride on the mandarins. Haven't seen them on any other fish yet. Also, the mandarins were going at it again tonight. I want to get that on vid. They really get excited when the canopy lights go out and the refugium light is still on and some of it goes into the tank. Which seems right to what I've ready about them mating right at sundown.

you have some really nice species of fish Jason.
Do you have a updated list of you have added to your tank?
you have some really nice species of fish Jason.
Do you have a updated list of you have added to your tank?

Fish list is finalized and will add more corals down the road after I make sure I can keep the three I have alive.

Mated Pair of False Percs (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Mated Pair of Mandarins (Synchiropus splendidus)
Pair (mated?) of Sharknose Gobies (Gobiosoma evelynae)
Pair (hope to get mated) of Long Fin Fairy Wrasses (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)
Yellow Watchman Gobie (Cryptocentrus cinctus) (paired up with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp)
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus)

Blasto (Blastomussa Wellsi)
Torch (Euphyllia glabrescens)
Duncan (Duncanopsammia axifuga)

4 Peppermint shrimps
1 bloodred fire shrimp
1 tiger pistol shrimp
several blue leg crabs
1 red leg crab
several Florida cerith snails
several dwarf cerith snails
several nerite snails
5 nassarius snails
9583475934759203840932840938240834 various pods

cyano and turf algae :hmm4:

I think that's it. I'm trying to learn the scientific names of the fish and corals.
Update on the inverts...

I now have 2 peppermint shrimp. I took two out and put them in the refugium before I added the mystery wrasse. I found pieces of the two left in the main DT this morning. The mystery wrasse definitely likes peppermint shrimp. The fireshrimp is still in one piece. :uzi: :lol:

I tried a bit of seafood last night too. Was out of town yesterday and stopped by a newly built Bass Pro shop to get a bite to eat in their restaurant. I knew they bought out Outdoor World which bought out the Islamorada Fish company down in the Keys so I was just hoping that they would have at least some what fresher seafood then other places. I was wrong. Their Florida alligator was way over seasoned and their grouper fish sandwich was very fishy.

I've been spoiled growing up in the Keys and eating the freshest seafood you can possible get and as soon as it gets frozen it's basically ruined in my book. I haven't tried any true seafood here in the mid-west in years because of it. Last time and every time I dare to try seafood here in the midwest it is always just a miserable experience. You know it is sad when people think of Red Lobster as a place to get great seafood... :sad2:
Seems like some people like the finger in the gunk shots so here's mine...

Here's pretty much what I clean out every three days.

Swipe from the inside of the neck.

From the lid
Fireshrimp is no more. Actually got to see it in action this time. First I see the fire shrimp dart out from a hole and the wrasse was right behind it. Then all of a sudden the wrasse just darted right in and ripped off the shrimps head. Pretty quick and sudden but at least it was a quick death I suppose. :(

Well, no more shrimp for my tank I guess which sucks because I like them. A coral banded my work out but doubt it and I don't want to try it out.
Sorry for your loss!!! :sad1:

How are your Bee U T Full mandarins???
They are sooo gorgeous and cute!

And how are the duncans doing? Torch?
Everything better?
Sorry for your loss!!! :sad1:

How are your Bee U T Full mandarins???
They are sooo gorgeous and cute!

And how are the duncans doing? Torch?
Everything better?

Mandarins are still doing their mating dance every night. I keep trying to get it on video but they don't seem to be the exhibitionist type. The female still gets pretty rough with the male at times. Pretty amusing since he is much bigger.

The corals are still looking good and the torch seems much happier where I left him. I took some full tank shots to get a reference of my cyano problem and will upload them tonight. I didn't blow off the rocks for two days and they are completely covered. :lol:

Kinda wish I got the mystery wrasse and fire shrimp on video. It was like watching a nature show. It was interesting how the mystery wrasse just knew to take out the head first. Then start on the rest of the body. I miss my shrimp in the DT tank. I still have a couple peppermints in the Refugium though.
and here it is. :D

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

I keep laughing at the mystery wrasse. I can just see him saying "What? What the heck? What you are guys doing... Oh. I'm trying to sleep here. Go get a room."

I had the camera at full zoom plus a little digital zoom because they always stop when they see me. I tried getting a bit closer and you can see they darted away from each other and stopped.

View My Video
I also got this pretty awesome picture of my sharknose


Don't think I could capture that again.

My YWG is getting big. It seems like over night. I always thought of him as a little sliver of a fish and was probably as big as the gobies when I got him. But after adding the gobies I realize how big he's gotten.

He was probably about an inch when I got him and he's about 2" long now. Also notice he's getting some darker areas on his back.


kind of a bad angle to show length... (yes I know this opens me up to many jokes. :lol:)
Jason, kinda giving yourself away with the YWG joke....:lolspin:

I like the video, those mandarins are serious about their sex :p

I still see you are battling cyano still, anything in the works to fully suppress it?
Jason, kinda giving yourself away with the YWG joke....:lolspin:

I like the video, those mandarins are serious about their sex :p

I still see you are battling cyano still, anything in the works to fully suppress it?


Yeah, they get pretty wild. I need to sell the vid "Mandarins gone wild!"

The cyano I think is a combination of me stupidly trying reef safe ich treatment a while back which initially gave me some trouble with some cyano and then about a month ago I had the power outage mishap where a lot of things died off in the tank. The bacteria I seem to have has been doing a great job at the nitrification part to where I have 0 nitrate still and always have but my phosphates have gone off the charts. They are currently hanging around 1 right now which is absurdly high I guess for phosphates and the cyano is evidence of it being way to high. I'm sure cutting down on feeding, water changes, GFO, increased flow etc. etc. would do it but I'm not willing to cut down on my feeding and I already have 3000+ gph of flow in a 55g tank.

So, I've been reading around the Chemistry forum for a long time now and have looked at several things and was thinking about starting up some carbon dosing with vinegar but just so happens I came across a thread talking about DIY n/p reducing pellets with some materials I already had laying around.

Here's the thread I started up about it
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