Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Day 9 and seeing more green.


And tried to get the bottom right corner that was getting the least amount of change before growing some green stuff
Day 9 and seeing more green.

Since you don't have much of the brown gooey growth like you did before the first cleaning, I would either a) leave the screen to grow at least 14 days, if not longer (you have no shading, so no worries) or b) take it out and do the palm swipe again, then pour a little tank water over it to rinse away and return. Save all the GHA that you have going.

Looks like the best growth is at top of screen, far end of slot, and bottom of screen, near end of slot.

Possibly a bit of a hotspot going on, probably from the blues. You might try taking a piece of scotch tape (plain cellophane tape) and putting a small square of that on the light fixture splash shield, positioned in front of each blue LED. This will slightly diffuse that without causing all the energy to stop at the splash shield and absorb into it. I used to recommend blue painters tape or black electrical tape but these can actually cause heating, the cellophane does not
OK will try and remember to add tape tonight. And if you give me a lazy option you know I'll go for that one. Option A it is.
Yup that's it. Except maybe smaller squares, like width of tape cut to a square. You don't want to cut out the light that goes off sideways, just the light directly in front of the blue where it has the peak intensity.
So, I'm getting an Apex. I've been thinking of getting either an Apex or a Profilux. I found a NIB Apex for sale in the used equipment section and grabbed it.

I have been using two reef keeper lights I've picked up used on here for several years now. They work and do their job but definitely have their quirks that I've learned to work around. Like only a couple outlets support multi timers and the rest don't. There's a couple that tend to stick in the on position when switched on. Over the years I've had a couple entire strips go out. So, I'm down to one strip under the tank and one in the basement with all kinds of splitters rigged up. I did pay $15 to reserve one of the new Archon's but...

I'm so sick of their lack of customer support. They are priced right and they work but if you ever have any issues or need an update to fix something Good Luck. The best support to get from them is their forums from volunteers that don't get paid by them. Those people are awesome and deserve some major Kudos.

I did try and get an Archon. I paid the $15 or so dollars. Then I never got a notification when they came in stock. Then I emailed them and got a response back to call them. So I tried calling and eventually got a call back saying they were currently back out of stock...and this went on for a while until I just gave up. They can keep the $15. I'm done with them.
So, digital Aquatics just emailed me to let me know I can call them Monday to order an Archon. I've been through this a few times before. Maybe they actually do have it in stock for real this time. Maybe I actually could get it shipped to me. But I won't know. I'm happy to be getting an Apex coming my way.

I'm a pretty patient person and Floyd R Turbo on here could probably vouch for that. But I do appreciate honesty and some kind of communication. I haven't gotten that from DA so I'm moving on. 6 months to late.
Day 13

Seems like a lot more green. Don't see any brown. But I'm also getting s lot of glare from the spray. Some kind of wiping and cleaning tomorrow?
