Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Got this in today.

Wow, that was extremely easy to setup and get connected right away. And ApexFusion rocks. Why did I not do this years ago.
Well, poop. It's almost 2am and I'm still playing around with this apex. I better stop.

It's wireless now. Temp and pH probe calibrated and connected. Modified alerts. Set it up to text and email me. Setup a duckdns account. Getting my reeftronics account setup back up. Eploring around the display, web local, cloud fusion interfaces....
I would probably take the screen out and give it a light rub with fingertips, maybe pick off some of the thicker growth. Thin it out - don't remove all of the growth from one area. if that makes sense. Keep a good portion of the GHA you are getting, especially at the top, that will fill in downward. Then a brief rinse.
Day 18

Best picture I could get of this beautiful green blur. I'm rather impressed and didn't think I'd be growing anything for a couple months. I won't have time to "clean" it tonight. Will have to get to it tomorrow night.

Also note I haven't changed anything else I've always been doing. I was wondering if I would have to cut back on the carbon dosing with vinegar. I can never remember how much it is but think it's around 90-96ml per day.
I would not change anything else. Let the scrubber ramp up without tweaking anything else. You should not need to force the scrubber to grow by changing something else not related to the scrubber, that is the last resort.

The general timeline for getting a screen to full maturity is 6-8 weeks, which means about 3 or 4 cleanings. You're right on track. Take a pic of the screen when you remove it before and after you clean it.

As far as getting pics of it when it's running, you might swipe something over the acrylic before taking the pic. like a pipe cleaner or a pencil with a piece of paper towel wrapped around it, something to clear the beaded water. but not a big deal, just helps you get a pic. The beaded water diffuses the light a bit which doesn't hurt
Don't know if I really care or want to take the time to wipe. I'm in and out of the sump room pretty quick normally. Just hit a basic quick spot check and mostly quick glances around the room in and out in well under a minute. I'd say just a couple seconds normally.

1. ATO res will it need filled soon
2. AWC Salt mix container does it need refilled soon
3. Skimmer cup has it turned into a volcano or need cleaned out soon.
4. Temp/pH check (I can skip this now my
controller is back on the net)
5. All drain lines still shoved into the floor drain

And I'm out. Do that once in the morning before work and again later in the evening some time. And now I just add in the quick unscrew of a single screw and take a quick snapshot.
Dori strikes again. This time the clown fish. Maybe now I can talk the rest of the family into letting me get rid of her.

Crappy picture but the flash on lets you see the little slice on the clowns side.
Round 2 Day 19 just before second cleaning

Front side just pulled out

Back side just pulled out

Quick finger rub and nails on thicker part to even it out a bit and a quick tap rinse.

Front side after quick cleaning

Back side after quick cleaning

Round 3 day 0

Haven't changed anything. Flow is still cut back, blue lights diffused with scotch tape, and lights on over night starting at 11:30 for 9 hours.
March 9th

About on pace still with the last swapping and rotating of the DI stages. This is great. The third last stage that the newest DI goes into just registered 1 tonight as I was filling my ATO/lime water resevour. This is the first time I think I get to do the full rotation and here's what the DI looked like when I used to swap it out and was still registering 1 compared to the 1st stage (oldest DI) I just dumped out tonight that was registering 3. (yes I kept it around just so it could do this comparison)

I don't think I have to say which is which.

That's a lot more use out of that DI stage and was still cutting in half the TDS from the RO using what ever life it had left. The second stage is still registering 1 which is now going into the first stage. The 3rd and last stage is now in the second stage and fresh new DI in the last stage again.
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Had to put our first baby shilo down earlier this year due to brain tumors. A shih tzu mix of some kind.

Just picked up this morning Kobe a handsome Golden.

Feel asleep shopping
Good cleaning job, not too much, not too little. The next week should result in some pretty decent growth. You have a lot of growth in the holes of the screen now, across nearly the entire screen. Very good progress
Good cleaning job, not too much, not too little. The next week should result in some pretty decent growth. You have a lot of growth in the holes of the screen now, across nearly the entire screen. Very good progress
Thanks a lot for all the input and help. Means a lot and great guidance.

Day 3

I'm excited to see what the screen will be like after this round on the next cleaning.
