Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

LOL yeah, I gave him a hard time about the flowery bags. He said it was a sandwich bag for his kids. Don't know if I'll get an anemone as I'd like to get some corals when ever all the GHA goes away.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15600156#post15600156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
LOL yeah, I gave him a hard time about the flowery bags. He said it was a sandwich bag for his kids. Don't know if I'll get an anemone as I'd like to get some corals when ever all the GHA goes away.

don't know if I mentioned it before but a coral beauty or yellow tang will clean up the aglae quite nicely
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15600245#post15600245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
don't know if I mentioned it before but a coral beauty or yellow TANG will clean up the aglae quite nicely

OH NO YOU DIDN'T!! :eek1:
I have to say I absolutely love these two fish already. I've never had a pair of any kind of fish. My LFG said they always hang out together. They are just so much fun to watch swimming around together with the smaller one often following the bigger one around. I've always liked how clowns move, or wiggle, and so neat to see two of them together like this.

BTW, one of the blue legs showed up tonight and looks like he's getting his fill of algae as he is getting fat and found a new home too.

Get the clowns a toadstool leather. My clowns were quite in love with the two leathers in my aquarium. I believe the larger of the two is the female. Great deal btw!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15605416#post15605416 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rae C.
Get the clowns a toadstool leather. My clowns were quite in love with the two leathers in my aquarium. I believe the larger of the two is the female. Great deal btw!

I've been going back and forth on the toadstool. I'm just not that big of a fan of those big guys I guess. Are there any other types of corals that they might like and not abuse to death? If not I might go ahead and get one. I have a while before I start adding corals as I want to wait until the GHA goes away.

I'm still in shock that I got a mated pair of clowns for only $25. Looks like they've already decided to host that power head you see in those pictures and video above. That stupid blenny has decided to live in the least natural place in the tank. I have all this rock with tons of holes and caves and he decides he wants to live in a small plastic outlet tube hanging on the back of the tank I use to fill the tank with during a water change.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15600245#post15600245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
don't know if I mentioned it before but a coral beauty or yellow tang will clean up the aglae quite nicely

I know I don't want a yellow tang as I think my tank would frustrate the hell out of it but I've been looking into the Coral Beauty. Seen mixed reports on it's compatability with reefs and most say it's one of the more likely of angles to do okay in a reef setup. One of the concerns I'd have is that it is labeled as semi-aggressive and haven't seen many reports on it's aggression. How aggressive is it's semi-aggresiveness? lol
BTW, the fish I have so far

bi-color blenny
mated false percs.

Fish I know I want:
Kaudern's Cardinal
Royal Gamma

I really only have room for about one more fish. Don't really want much more of a bioload than that. I was thinking about a flasher wrasse of some type but the coral beauty is very nice looking but does concern me with reef compatability and aggression.
Also, been looking at corals quite a bit and really like

Frog Spawn
multi headed Duncan

Kind of liking the birdsnest as well.

Wow, I just realize my tank is just over a month old now. Feels like I just filled it with water.
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All of your listed corals the clowns should be happy with! My clowns have hosted duncans, xenia, and a hammer.

I have a flame angel, and like all dwarf angels, sometimes you get more of a nipper than others. She is not too aggressive. She is a wonderful flash of color to the tank- my brightest fish. :-)

Progress looks excellent- looking forward to more!
Yes, definitely. My flame swims around constantly taking bites off the rock and glass. If a coral is doing badly, she might go after algae growing on the skeleton (further stressing the dying coral) and possibly making it look like she is going after the coral
I have had no problems with her in a mixed reef
I also have pajama cardinals which are NOT aggressive and she doesn't mess with them at all.
Angels, both big and small, seek out sponges, their normal diet. They will pick around coral looking for sponge and often damage it if they get too ambitious. Most only eat coral if really hungry and there is nothing much else to eat.
Thanks guys. A flame angel would stand out really well in my tank. So, on Waterkeeper's advice I'll make sure to dump in a bunch of food into the tank at least three times a day to keep it satisfied and away from the corals.
You should dump in at least 1/4 cup of flake food a day, all at once, to watch the feeding frenzy! ;)

What type of coral do fish who are not considered reef safe eat/destroy? Is it all, just sps, just softies, LPS? I've been admiring the flame coral too.
LOL Rae I guess that's where they get the name for that food called coral frenzy. I'm going to have to stock up on a lot of flake food. I'm really glad Waterkeeper is here to give all this great advice. Much better then Paul B trying to shove that old hat UGF stuff down our throats.

I'm leaning toward attempting the flame angel. IF he ends up destroying the corals I end up getting I'll just have to find him a new home.

I'll be doing some tank mowing tomorrow I think. I'm not sure what that dark brown color stage was that the bryopsis went through but that's almost gone completely now and it's almost all turned a super light green color and lots of it is becoming white. I'll be pulling all the really light green to white stuff out. Don't need what ever nutrients it has accumulated to be put back into the tank. I'll pull out the diatom filter and and use it to suck up the stuff I pull off.

8:45pm Tests
Temp: 82.6
SG: 33
pH: 8.22
ORP: 164
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0

I also checked the Nitrate and Phosphate levels of the salt mixing water in the brute garbage can and the cheap gray little 5g bucket I have for ATO. Both came up as 0.
lets not get carried away with the flake food. That can cause alot of problems with nitrates.
also you are better to feed small amounts more times a day then one large dose so it does get eaten.

For grazers like tangs and angels I suggest you use the pole feeder--a piece of pvc pipe with two elastics on it. You can fix the romaine lettuce, nori kelp what ever to it and it does break off in big chunks like the clipped food.

it is chancy putting more than two angels in the same tank. My coral beauty ripped apart a flame angel over night. My reef buddy, 2frosty4u, has had both the flame and coral beauty in his tank for a long time and they get along fine.
I guess I should use those little emoticons more often... :)

Capn I saw those pics of the pvc pipe fish feeder you have and already have a piece ready to be cut down if needed. Great idea!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15617057#post15617057 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
I guess I should use those little emoticons more often... :)

Capn I saw those pics of the pvc pipe fish feeder you have and already have a piece ready to be cut down if needed. Great idea!

can't take the credit for the idea however, I not sure anymore who should get the credit so lets let the water keeper and Paul B argue over who invented it.;)
Like you posted above debates over what kind of clams to eat and rugf's are old news:lol: :rollface: :lol: