red slime


New member
What's the best way to rid a tank of it. I have it on my sand bed. I syphon out when I do water changes (once a week). Tank parameters are nitrate 5-10, nitrite and ammonia 0 phosphate .02 salinity 1.025. Haven't tested calcium alk or magnesium in a couple weeks. I'm pretty sure I need another mp10 to up my flow just have to wait a couple more weeks to purchase it.
I'm over feeding a little right now because I'm still enticing my anthias to eat. One of them died because it would not eat at all. The second one is still very skiddish and hides when I go near the tank. I do see it come out to eat from across the room though. Only feeding one a day.
I suspect that the addition of the mp10 will help a lot. I had a little patch in the back of my tank and put a little Koralia 425 pointed at it and it was gone in a couple weeks. Everything else remained constant. I never even bothered sucking the patch out.
I moved the one I have to the other side of the tank and tried to lower it on the glass but it was blowing too much sand, so it's a little lower than middle of the tank. Hopefully with the second one pointing at it and linked to make waves it will take care of it. It's just in the corners. Moving one of my returns down blew too much sand too.
While not for the purist and yes the problem should be addressed... But, I used Red Slime Remover in my 55 a few times over a 12 year period with success. Never really changed anything after I used it as far as trying to find the source, and it didn't come back for a long, long time. I just got frustrated with trying other methods and wanted to be done with it!

Whatever method you decide to go with. Just know that it doesn't go away fast. It's takes some time and you have to stick to it. Keep siphoning it out. I had to add some sand when mine was finally gone.
I'm over feeding a little right now because I'm still enticing my anthias to eat. One of them died because it would not eat at all. The second one is still very skiddish and hides when I go near the tank. I do see it come out to eat from across the room though. Only feeding one a day.

You need to increase your nutrient export if you want a chance at beating it while feeding heavy. Biopellets or another carbon source, as well as gfo will reduce your levels while feeding heavy. Filter socks will also do wonders, but change them daily. Target the source not just the symptoms. After you have a plan devised to keep them in check do a three day dark period and your problems will disappear. If not, then you need to up your nutrient export again. Its a long and arduous process, but it will do the trick!
Granular ferric oxide, what everyone else said will work, I got tired of fighting with a patch on my sand bed and went the red slimer remover route with a 48 hour lights out. It was gone and hasn't returned.